Example sentences of "they be an [adj] part of " in BNC.

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1 Helicopter trips around the city are fascinating and great fun ; they are an integral part of daily patrolling of the British Sector .
2 Yet the striking developments of the law of trusts depend on much more than this : they are an integral part of the conception of a trust as opposed to a legacy .
3 However , they are an integral part of the course and as such are also for use by individual readers .
4 Duties and responsibilities are not merely available to a citizen ; they are an integral part of being a citizen .
5 It has been said that in the civil law tradition proof-taking ‘ often resembles a series of isolated pre-trial conferences rather than a concentrated trial ’ , which is helpful but must not be read as suggesting that these earlier stages are merely interlocutory ; they are an integral part of the judicial process .
6 They have their own demands but they are an integral part of the liberation struggle , which , right from the start , has stood for equal rights for men and women .
7 ( b ) Add subordinate ideas only if they are an integral part of the historian 's argument .
8 These mosaics are not only decoration ; they are an integral part of the Byzantine scheme of architecture .
9 That they are an essential part of any system of parliamentary democracy will be of limited consolation to them .
10 A second answer is that long working hours are not a cause of housework dissatisfaction because they are an expected part of the housewife role .
11 They are so useful as low-fat sources of protein ( and other nutrients too ) that they are an important part of any food regime , including diets to reduce weight .
12 They are an important part of the geography of Britain .
13 Since , as we shall see later , a large number of appeals are actually delegated to them for decision , they are an important part of the process .
14 I accept that other commitments interfere , but I have no intention of giving them up — they are an important part of my life .
15 They are an important part of our twin-track approach so that we not only come down hard on offenders who commit the crime of taking vehicles , but we do all we can to prevent youngsters from offending .
16 As one of America 's largest tufted manufacturers , with a 50 strong sales force covering North America , they are an important part of Stoddard 's export activity .
17 A group of teachers asked Hinrich Medau if he could find a use for some wooden clubs — gradually every possibility was explored , and today they are an indispensable part of the Medau movement equipment .
18 Remember that the principle is that the audience is given a stake in what is performed ; they are an interactive part of the drama .
19 And every Delta employee knows they 're an important part of the team by the end of their training .
20 None of Doherty 's publications lasted very long , but they were an important part of the general ferment of radical ideas in the years leading up to the Chartist movement .
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