Example sentences of "they be [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 Wordsworth did not comment much on these matters in the first edition of his Guide but they are clearly set out in the second edition ( 1820 ) .
2 Once they have finished and died down , they are best planted out in the garden .
3 When they are so wrapped up in themselves and their problems , and , they are so hard done by ?
4 It may prove difficult because individuals may not be able to see the whole of the organisation since they are so wrapped up in their own specialised part of it .
5 There are simple spinelets scattered over the dorsal surface of the disk although they are often rubbed off in preserved specimens .
6 This will be so whether he takes the trouble to read them or not , and whether they are actually set out in a document in his possession , or ( subject to the question of the need to offer an oppportunity to inspect , which is discussed below ) merely incorporated into the contract by a reference in such a document .
7 And I suggest libraries and museums , because I dare say they have the greatest experience in information co-ordination systems erm , within the , within the council , and I think , er , and of course they 're highly involved out in the community .
8 We know of one in Vietnam where they 're literally towed around in tanks . ’
9 They were frequently left out in the cold and were fobbed off with symbolic concessions — such as a tatty play space instead of a decent nursery .
10 They were thoroughly caught up in the contest .
11 The original monastery physic gardens were fairly plain , with rectangular or square beds in lines , but as time went on , and private households began to grow their own medicinal cures , food flavourings and fragrances , the sites devoted to herbs became more elaborate , until they were often laid out in the " knot " style , an intricate arrangement of beds said to have taken its name originally from the lover 's knot .
12 They were promptly locked up in military hospitals as mental cases , but not before some of them declared they were not victims of brainwashing and mental torture by the enemy , as the Army had claimed .
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