Example sentences of "they be [adv] [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 I believe profoundly in all these things , it goes without saying ; my difficulty lies in knowing how defensible they are in the form in which they are visibly institutionalized in the anglophone academy .
2 They are nevertheless couched in the rhetoric of democracy : they invoke the people and the people 's will as what legitimates the regime , or the policy or the action — which may even be something as arbitrary as a coup d'etat .
3 Remember to note the names of those asked to be responsible for work to be carried out before the next meeting , and make sure that they are clearly displayed in the minutes .
4 He tells us that he ‘ spent months researching ’ ( citations from his letter , The Art Newspaper No. 22 , October 1992 , p.3 ) the texts which he uses in his work at the Neue Galerie at Kassel and he criticises me for ‘ forgetting ’ these texts which took him so long to research , even though they are clearly mentioned in the second , fourth and fifth paragraphs of my article which comprises only seven paragraphs .
5 The interesting question is not whether such functions exist , for they are clearly implied in the phenomena we call behaviour .
6 Homely Persian pottery of the twelfth to thirteenth century combines animal and bird images with sinuous plant motifs and marks the beginning of lustre wares ; they are mostly priced in the £500 to £1,000 range and rate high on charm .
7 Although the analysis of counterfactuals is both difficult and contentious , they are generally used in the context of a certain sort of theory .
8 Desert and city were negatively linked in the earlier poetry ; they are positively linked in the play .
9 c ) It can be difficult to find files or papers if they are just piled in a drawer in no particular order .
10 They are well exhibited in the Machilidae , where they are present in a reduced condition on the 2nd to 9th segments , and as cerci on the 11th segment .
11 But if there are any duck here today they are well hidden in the soft rush which fringes the pools .
12 All these activities will develop both processing and production of discourse by orientating students towards the knowledge of their interlocutor , and they are well documented in the literature of the communicative approach .
13 They are well known in the Weald of Kent and Sussex and around Poole harbour ; and one land-drainage contractor was of the opinion in 1986 that in his own county , Northamptonshire , there was scarcely a parish without areas which were effectively undrainable due to ochre .
14 It is a great shame more people are n't backing them , especially when they are well established in the top six .
15 Today they are best represented in the large but low-prestige applied sectors .
16 They are best used in an inspirational setting as part of a total church-life conference .
17 There they are already established in the region of the lower Rhine .
18 Firstly , if the decree absolute of divorce has not been pronounced the parties are still husband and wife ( Fender v St John-Mildmay [ 1938 ] AC 1 ) ; and we have seen that transfers between them ( provided they are both domiciled in the UK ) are exempt from a charge to inheritance tax ( see Chapter 2 , p20 ) even if they are living apart .
19 While both LARSP and Developmental Sentence Analysis are well-established procedures for assessing a child 's command of grammar from transcripts of naturalistic recordings , they are both restricted in the extent to which they provide the teacher or clinician with systematic information on other aspects of a child 's linguistic ability .
20 This week , in the inaugural Fiji International Sevens , the Scots will be able to devote further studies to the Australians and get their first glimpse of Tonga , against whom they are also drawn in the Hong Kong Sevens .
21 As a general rule , rugs employing bolder , more overtly geometric compositions should be judged by the same criteria as nomadic rugs , particularly if they are also dyed in a limited palette of austere or primary shades .
22 They are also working in the fishing co-operatives , where the women clean and salt the fish while the men do the actual fishing .
23 They are also depicted in the mosaics from Victoria Road , Cirencester ( in an arm of a semi-roundel ) , North Leigh , and Winchester ( crudely drawn ) .
24 They are also found in the top levels of local government , the health service and privatised industries .
25 The images and symbols that are used in Between to demonstrate the mechanics of the imagination do not pretend to be original ; they are self-consciously mined in the cultural history of the West .
26 They are frequently written in a way that omits insulin when the blood glucose is within the normal range , and they usually fail to take account of the insulin resistance induced by increased ketone body production .
27 The reason for this must be that one can hardly cause an explosion without realizing that one is about to do so , and that explosions usually create danger and must be known to do so , unless they are carefully controlled in an area away from members of the public .
28 They continue to argue for what no one else is prepared to offer and they are wholly isolated in a fantasy world .
29 They plead , once they are comfortably sitting in the passenger seat .
30 The affinities between music and poetry have been familiar since antiquity , though they are largely ignored in the current intellectual climate .
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