Example sentences of "they be [verb] to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Both speakers and writers find this useful when they are referring to two things , one animate , one inanimate .
2 one should not confuse … two things : the fragmentation of social labour , which arises from the fact of the social division of labour on the one hand , and the fragmentation of social labour , which negates this very division of labour on the other hand … ‘ enterprises ’ … stand in various relationships to each other : either they are bound to each other by buying and selling ( heterogeneous enterprises ) , or they are in competition with each other ( homogeneous enterprises ) .
3 They have no roots , they are bound to another land .
4 Taylor expressed his surprise ; was Jackson not aware that in the district in which these persons derived their experience , there was little , if any , knowledge of mines worked under day levels or of what takes place in them when they are drained to considerable depths by machinery ?
5 As soon as scripts are marked by internal examiners they are sent to external examiners and the unmoderated results fed into the student management system .
6 This is because they are built to withstandconstant crashes on the high-speed ovals which host five of the 17 rounds of the 1993 Championship series .
7 ‘ Whenever they are exposed to real difficulty ’ , he pointed out , ‘ they run for the British umbrella . ’
8 Kenneth Markham , who works for the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research , funded by the New Zealand government , analysed flavonoids , photo-protective pigments which are synthesised in plants when they are exposed to harmful UV-B radiation , the wavelength most affected by the depletion of stratospheric ozone .
9 These substances , which tend to accumulate in tumour cells , turn from relatively benign chemicals into killers when they are exposed to red light .
10 These are very much the sort of symptoms seen in many chemical-sensitive patients when they are exposed to organic solvents .
11 Potatoes turn green when they are exposed to any form of light .
12 About 100 cases will be drawn from three Scottish regions and cases taken as they are referred to specific teams .
13 Similarly contracting-out may not provide authorities with greater flexibility if they are tied to long-term arrangements which are difficult to renegotiate .
14 Under the present regime , where differential pricing is forbidden , big tied agents like the Halifax , Nationwide and Leeds Permanent — taking advantage of the fact that they are powerful distribution channels with ‘ hot client bases ’ — have pushed up the commissions they receive from the life offices to which they are tied to huge levels .
15 I mean if , if they are in bed , I mean if they are there they are resting to some extent , even if they 're sort of awake but
16 Since they are applied to various topics throughout the text , an initial awareness is essential .
17 The hands and feet can be turned into deadly weapons capable of withstanding injury when they are applied to inanimate objects such as bricks and wooden boards so long as the practitioner approaches the matter with the right psychological outlook .
18 People do give support to their kin but they do so in a way which is patchy , possibly idiosyncratic , and which certainly can not be predicted simply from knowing how they are related to each other .
19 For modelling reality , it is essential to distinguish between different objects in the real world and understand how they are related to each other .
20 They are related to corresponding breeds in Norway , Finland and the USSR and have been bred in Sweden for centuries .
21 The programme tests the stability of school effects over time , and considers to what extent they are related to measured differences in processes within schools or resource inputs to schools .
22 They are not usually pathogenic but can become so under certain circumstances , for example when the body 's immune system is not functioning adequately , or when they are transferred to another part of the body , usually by the hands .
23 Gradually , each successive shot brings us closer to the action and eventually to the actions of individuals , allowing us to see their expressions and hear whatever it is they are saying to each other .
24 For example , some bonds might not pay coupons at all ( such bonds are called zero-coupon bonds , and they sell at a deep discount to their par values since all the reward from holding the bond comes in the form of capital gain rather than income ) ; some bonds make coupon payments that change over time , e.g. because they are linked to current market interest rates ( variable rate bonds or floating rate notes ) or to an index such as the retail price index ( index-linked bonds ) ; and some bonds make coupon payments only if the income generated by the firm that issued the bonds is sufficient , ( such bonds are known as income bonds ; unlike other bond-holders , an income bond-holder can not put the firm into liquidation if a coupon payment is not paid ) .
25 Geoffrey Chaucer could not hold a conversation with a modern Englishman , even though they are linked to each other by an unbroken chain of some twenty generations of Englishmen , each of whom could speak to his immediate neighbours in the chain as a son speaks to his father .
26 He falls back on the popular device for explaining why the working class fail to live up to what is expected of them — they are reduced to mindless automatons , responding only to right-wing media messages .
27 They consist of a cabinet or tunnel in which items are placed and where they are subjected to hot spray of detergent solution followed by rinse water .
28 However , when the surface veneers dry , as in the hot sun , they are subjected to cross-grain tension and may thus ‘ check ’ , that is produce a large number of small cracks .
29 At this point the sons are painfully and traumatically initiated — that is , they are subjected to brutal assaults , frightening experiences , are deprived of their mothers and all normal support and , usually at the climax of these experiences , are symbolically castrated by means of some customary mutilation ( very often the rather close equivalent represented by circumcision , but otherwise by knocking out of teeth , pulling out of nails , loss of fingers , etc . ) .
30 There is much research which shows how ordinary people are prone to behave ‘ out of character ’ when they are subjected to extreme conditions .
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