Example sentences of "but [ex0] 's [art] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 In the , in the current Middle East erm so this pattern certainly applies to Judaism , not to all religions , he 's not saying that all religions have to undergo persecution in order to as it were flourish , but some religions do and perhaps the characteristic Judaism or at least this kind of monotheism is these kind of religions tend to be intolerant and single-mindedly , tend to say that we know the truth , everybody else is wrong and consequently they tend to persecute others and get persecuted and this leads to these periods of suppression , but there 's a tendency for this kind of return of repress just as Mike was saying , his very brilliant analogy he suggested the French Revolution when the students put the barricade up in the same place or so the erm Freud 's idea is that the things that happened in that first traumatic period back in Ancient Egypt and for example erm he said this is why the modern erm Jews insist on circumcision because the Ancient Egyptians did and this is , this is correct .
2 ‘ Sorry to intrude , but there 's a call for you .
3 But there 's a need for both media — the stories lurking behind sound recordings are often quite impossible to tell in any other way .
4 Yes , he is more interested in exposing hypocrisy than in making arty art , but there 's a need for that too .
5 I think the sorry , Bill , the erm confusion arises because we 're talking about warranties and insurance and most people buying a car , getting extended insurance or one of these insurance schemes , will assume it 's warranty , but there 's no protection for somebody issuing a warranty going out of business .
6 But there 's no hope for a fifty mile an hour limit along the whole road because some sections have already been made dual carriageway .
7 The fairest local levy is one based on income , but there 's no hope for this Lib-Dem idea .
8 They say Sunday is a day of rest , but there 's no rest for the poor ; every day is a work day .
9 But there 's no room for anyone of course to be complacent about the growing er demand of the needs of children er a subject of such importance here .
10 I ai n't all that proud of meself one way and another , but there 's no cause for you to tell me . ’
11 But there 's no language for love after twenty years of living together , mostly in the same rooms .
12 In this country , delivery-ward routines vary from hospital to hospital but there 's no reason for separating mothers and their healthy babies so soon after the birth — measuring and weighing could easily be put off for an hour or two .
13 There will be demonstrations in roller hockey and pelota basque , but there 's no place for cricket .
14 It means Walker faces the prospect of telling two of the men who helped Crusaders into Europe : ‘ Sorry , but there 's no place for you in the team . ’
15 The thing most people fear when they retire , is being dragooned into playing bingo and having sing-songs , but there 's no need for life to be like that .
16 ‘ Of course I still have a wife , but there 's no need for you to worry your pretty little head about it .
17 But there 's no need for them to be flabby — give them a stretch and they 'll soon shape up
18 I have my own theory , of course , but there 's no need for me to add the title of " Lunatic " to that of " Murderer " is there ?
19 I usually read to them a bit , but there 's no need for you to .
20 But there 's no need for you to think about that sort of thing , ’ Mr Hellyer said .
21 But there 's no substitute for its warm aromatic bouquet .
22 ‘ Training is an integral part of any side 's preparation , but there 's no substitute for competitive games . ’
23 But there 's the potential for it to be interpreted quite radically and
24 But there 's the advert for the Sunday market .
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