Example sentences of "but [Wh det] be the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But which is the real plant ?
2 But which is the lesser evil ? ’
3 But what are the long term influences of' effective' schools ?
4 Sir , should any additional representations be sent directly to you after the close of the enquiry , I I I for one do n't know whether this would happen or not , but what are the administrative arrangements for dealing with that ?
5 But what are the legal alternatives ?
6 So we explore , we probe and you can probe in a variety of different ways but what are the three probes we have that you , you come across ?
7 It 's a very good definition , but what are the potential problems with that definition ?
8 But what 's the other point .
9 That 's right you want to blend in but what 's the real feeling what 's the thought in your head ?
10 But what is the black spot , captain ? ’
11 But what is the environmental cost of all these products ?
12 I know that our children by enlarge er their vocabulary does n't extend to erm what er , polysyllabic words which which might really sum up for an adult what they 've been going through , how they 've enjoyed it but what is the terrible form we had last year in seventh year , was it seven G ?
13 I 'm not being facetious but what is the bloody point
14 But what is the male word for broodiness ?
15 But what is the current position within the chemical industry ?
16 But what were the revolutionary contents of the Speciale ?
17 ‘ The first was for saving you from a fate worse than death with Doreen — but what was the second reason ? ’
18 But what was the actual result of the FFYP ?
19 On page 215 he does , however , to put some distance between himself and the racist overtones of this tradition : ‘ But what was the mysterious magic by which the Germans breathed new life into a dying Europe ?
20 But what was the other solution ? ’
21 But what was the real reason ? ’
22 But what was the bottom income line above which recipients can be presumed to have enjoyed at least the modicum of comfort above subsistence and simple " decency " ?
23 But what was the agonised cry and the figure lying by the line side ?
24 But what was the next item ?
25 But what was the doctrinal position of the Celtic Church ?
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