Example sentences of "but [subord] [pron] [vb base] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But if we get a bit of growth , they 'll be ready to take the risk .
2 But if we avoid a slump in the second half of the season we should do it . ’
3 But if we issue a Material Witness Warrant I believe the British would put him on the plane . ’
4 But if we take a guess that there are thirty thousand , this means that in nineteen-ninety , three million people , or something like a tenth of the entire working population , will be engaged in writing materials for computers .
5 But if we see an office that 's being committed by y somebody breaking into an empty flat , or we actually see somebody breaking into a occupied flat , then as a as a citizen , you can enforce a citizen 's arrest .
6 But if we create a psychology in this country where to the men and women who earn the crust upon which we depend , our business community , are switched off to the significance of Europe , there 's only one people who 'll suffer and it is us .
7 But if we have a conscience about our familiar old things what can we do ?
8 But if we grow a client server towards the enterprise solution , we 've already talked about the straw pole that we often do where it indicates to us that the average number of er data repositories or data sources in an organization is more than ten .
9 He added : ‘ But if they want an AIDS test they can have one . ’
10 But if they see a bunch of black kids hanging around they wo n't nick them .
11 I personally do n't like to eat them while I 'm drinking because I get too full , but if I put a plate of pie and peas down in the club they would go like lightning . ’
12 ‘ The most obvious thing in mine may be that I like to work with numbers , but if I 've an urge to be an innovator too , I probably wo n't make a successful auditor .
13 Why does it cost me ten pounds fifty return from Darlington but if I take a single to Darlin to Darlington from York it costs me ten quid .
14 Some schools abuse us and once a kid 's in , they leave them here — but if I think a school understands us then I 'll fit in with them .
15 that , you know I did n't mind paying it , but if I want a taxi , heck I think that 's a disgrace
16 Whenever I say ‘ sit ’ he does n't listen but if I have a biscuit in my hand he does it straight away .
17 But if she bear a maid-child , then she shall be unclean two weeks , as in her impurity ; and she shall continue in the blood of purification threescore and six days .
18 Spiders can live for several days without food , but if you keep a spider for longer than a few days , you must feed it .
19 But if you pick a couple of complete no-hopers , rank outsiders , well , there 's no need to stay , is there ?
20 now we give you those , but this is one pound , ten pence , it 's well worth having , but if you get a mark on , once you 've got that guard on
21 And it it 's easy when you 're not busy , but if you get a spell of being busy , .
22 Pinot Noir red Alsace wines are unusual , to say the least , but if you get a chance to taste one , take it !
23 But if you get a copy , save it for when you can read it at one sitting .
24 But if you fancy a bit of exploring , there 's a world outside waiting to be discovered , from the peaceful charm of local life to the hustle and bustle of markets and bazaars .
25 But if you fancy a spot of luxury , too , you wo n't be disappointed .
26 But if you take a proportion of it , you 're only offered that proportion again .
27 P.S. I really hate to mention this , but if you take a look around you , I think you 'll notice that you 've blown your four-set clause .
28 Now it is very difficult , clearly to compare qualitatively er one route with another but if you take an example , the effect on greenbelt land , which should you look towards the back , it 's just one that springs to mind but there there are no doubt er there will be others which we can go into .
29 But if you make a spoke of equal thickness in a sleek airfoil configuration , you can reduce the drag coefficient to about 0.06 . ’
30 ‘ I tell you , media and even historians have made him bigger than life , but if you remove a person from accessibility , then you ca n't emulate them .
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