Example sentences of "but [subord] [pron] [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Golf courses might seem a very obvious use for redundant farm land , but where they are most needed — in the crowded South East — they have met most resistance from the environmental and Nimby ( not in my back yard ) lobbies .
2 Timeshare is not normally a solution SAVE would recommend for a historic house because so much of the expenditure goes on pure marketing , leaving too little for the building , but where it is well organized the outcome may be satisfactory .
3 But once it is formally rejected , the SWD could press for the money to be held in trust until the children are 18 .
4 If the puppy has done nothing after five or 10 minutes , follow the same routine , but once you are inside remain more watchful .
5 We went to see Antigone in Greek but although we were well primed beforehand you ca n't follow it without a crib .
6 But if we are both determined to mislead him , he is not likely to make much headway .
7 ‘ These panes of glass are bullet proof and will not shatter , but if they are badly weakened a large , frightened animal like a bear may be able to force its way through and the consequences would be very severe ’ .
8 But if they are really to grow and prosper , they need access to private capital , freed from the constraints of public ownership .
9 And you do something pretty clever with it usually but if they 're just added , one bit at a time .
10 But if they 're completely alienated ,
11 But if they were then given a choice of several kinds of seeds they would show sudden switches in preference , even though the seeds were chemically much the same .
12 But if they were always selling their stock at genuine bargain prices , they would never make any money .
13 Only 10 lines can be displayed at any given time but if there are more to see then this will be indicated .
14 Well I say , you just have to do your best , so doing but if there 's any left over it 'll be , always be tomorrow look .
15 If I 'm looking for anything I prefer to shop in , but if I 'm just browsing I do n't mind going like out of the town , down to or up to for a day but , if I 'm looking for something particular I prefer to stay in cos I know where to go .
16 A chap may think he 's in control of himself but if he 's really attracted to a girl , it 's not so easy to stop at … well , just kissing . ’
17 But if he 's there give it to him an , an an , an , tell him , you do n't want that sort of thing !
18 We are expecting him back on Monday — but if he 's only staying for three days it 's a pointless exercise .
19 I have not seen Brian Way for a few years now , since he went to work in America , but if he is continually developing his philosophy and practice at the rate Dorothy Heathcote is refining hers , then there is the added danger that anything written about them is out of date as it leaves the press .
20 But if you 're still doing all that in your late twenties , then I think there 's a problem .
21 The reason why a lot of Vox amplifiers blow up is because , when you turn the amplifier on , all the preamp tubes and power tubes are powered up , but if you 're only going to use one channel , plug the guitar in that one and take out the valves that you do n't use from the other channels , so the amp is n't quite as hot .
22 Well piece of 'em but if you 're only gon na be eating a piece it 's not gon na be big .
23 that 's right , but if you 're actually going home it 's easy
24 But if you are well known , it seems foolish to pretend otherwise .
25 The answer to the first part of the question is that communication problems can be caused both by the sender and the receiver , but if you are frequently misinterpreted you may need to think about the message and the manner in which it is being transmitted .
26 er but if you are actually swimming and you are using the different strokes and so forth , it does use power-wise all the main muscles of the body .
27 This will not be a problem if you only ever use one program , but if you are ever tempted to upgrade to a more powerful word-processor , changing the ‘ brand ’ could mean starting from scratch .
28 But if you are currently aching to play our exciting , educational , fun-for-all-the-family boardgame , Landslide ( order an extra copy now for your friend or household pet ! ) , but are unable to do so due to an embarrassingly die-free domestic situation , all you have to do is write a letter to me , addressed to Oi !
29 But if you are truly resolved , then pledge it now , swear an oath — come on — let us see all hands raised — come on now — every hand high …
30 It is n't a half term just pain , mainly now to go through the options and choose it but if you were perhaps bring in as you co , I 've got written down your careers officer
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