Example sentences of "but [adv] he [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But eventually he got a horse and cart , and he went into the fish trade .
2 The captain remonstrated , but eventually he had no option but to give it to her .
3 Jobs were n't easy but eventually he fixed a slot as a night wire man at a Toronto press agency .
4 But secretly he loved the idea , and it gave him a great kick to tell his friends and business acquaintances that he was supporting his son on the amateur golf circuit .
5 But presumably he had a place to go , and he would prefer to keep that problem to himself .
6 Aläia was also expected to appear on the runway riding on the shoulders of Jean Paul Goude , but apparently he hid the bag containing his gold evening dress so he did n't have to do it .
7 But suddenly he had an idea .
8 er he wants money coming in to the central fund er if has in two years time to face a , a trial , these allegations so be it , but meanwhile he wants the money to come in to the central fund for the reason he 's outlined
9 But finally he had an envelope of papers in one hand and his wallet in the other and Bruno was clutching a wad of Deutsch-marks and challenging Maxim with a twisted leer to say something about that .
10 But yesterday he said the MP had ‘ failed miserably ’ .
11 But yesterday he visited the zoo while the Press was kept at arm 's length .
12 But yesterday he acknowledged the role of teachers .
13 But yesterday he acknowledged the role of teachers .
14 For the end of the fourth and early fifth centuries Gregory was able to use the Spanish historian Orosius , and the works of two otherwise unknown authors , Sulpicius Alexander and Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus , but thereafter he had no historian to follow .
15 But still he made no attempt to move .
16 I am sure that I was the despair of Ron 's coaching life , but still he made no comment .
17 Not only did he build and restore churches and monasteries , but also he repaired the city walls ; he corresponded with Caesarius of Clermont about laying underground water-pipes , and he was responsible for severing road-communications with the south to prevent the spread of plague .
18 In this way Engels asserts the generality of the principles discussed , but also he explains the importance of what he believed were remains of gentile principles in the organization of Greece and Rome .
19 The little boy had been momentarily subdued in Vitor 's arms , but now he took a breath .
20 But now he made no comment .
21 His pace did n't slacken , but now he had a reference point , he could see exactly how far needed to be covered and he felt hopeful .
22 But now he had the advantage , and he intended to use it …
23 Wycliffe glanced back at the house and again saw the seated figure in the upstairs room , but now he had the impression that the figure was facing him , looking out of the side window .
24 He was following a shadow , but now he had an idea about where it was leading him .
25 Preston had been quite keen when he started the project but now he felt a bit shamefaced about it .
26 But now he realised the woman was in control as she held his risen monster in her exquisite mouth , and in spite of the urgent movement of his thighs she devoured him as she pleased : sometimes allowing him into the back of her deep throat ; sometimes sipping at the helmet of his quivering phallus .
27 Engaged in drowning the woman , Fedorov had been slow to respond to the sudden turn in events , but now he recognized the danger and grabbed Lefevre 's sword , wresting it from his feeble grasp as if he were a child .
28 There was a touch of desperation in her reply which she knew he heard , but surprisingly he made no attempt to mock her , or force her into giving him any more reasons .
29 He would risk his life coldly where there was need , but here he saw no need .
30 But here he confuses the issue , for while print may well have initially encouraged authors to focus on an individual 's perception and cognition of the world , this does not mean that this technique is necessarily bound to be dominant in printed texts , for as the novel evolved , so did the concept of point of view .
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