Example sentences of "but [adv] [conj] i be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 During the summer months I can usually get away with leaving my boat conveniently tied up to the pier , but only if I am at home to keep an eye on the weather : in Shetland , even in summer , a gale can blow up from the south east , causing a swell to set into the voe .
2 But just as I was on the point of giving up , the honking bus swerved past me .
3 Oh , but honestly when I 'm in love , my face just lights up , just beams with joy , oh , oh no let there be light and my match has gone out but
4 Oh , but honestly when I 'm in love , my face just lights up , just beams with joy , oh , oh no let there be light and my match has gone out but
5 I was now afraid for Eric and his safety , not just because he was a young man far from home , but also because I was in love with him .
6 It was a fight but now that I am at college you can believe I am the happiest girl around here .
7 But even though I was in love , I did n't hide from myself the fact that I would be unhappy with Estella .
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