Example sentences of "but [adv] [conj] it [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In the course of time the pirates turned merchants became a great hereditary patriciate , and Venice came to rule a mercantile empire much akin to that of ancient Athens , even in the end to acquire a large contado along and behind the Italian coast — but only after it had depended for centuries on piracy and trade for its food and livelihood .
2 Vadim 's Et Dieu Créa La Femme ( 1956 ) was the watershed film which liberalized the cinema , but only after it had run into censorship trouble everywhere , especially in the United States where the Hollywood decency code still insisted on separate beds for married couples .
3 It was also the first to be held since the redecoration of the Tuileries had restored the palace to its former splendour ; this it had lost not only because it had been ransacked by the mob in 1848 , but also because it had become shabby during the reign of Louis-Philippe .
4 Classic Maya civilization appears to have collapsed some 600 years before the Spanish conquest of Central America , but even if it had survived it seems inevitable that the Maya obsession with time would have remained a historical curiosity with no influence on the modern world .
5 He worried about that , but even if it had succeeded simply because it was just another of the ridiculous and unbelievable antics in a ‘ Carry On ’ film , succeed it did .
6 It had always had a few troops in its settlements to defend property locally , but even when it had begun building up its own little army it had only about 3,000 men in 1749 .
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