Example sentences of "but [pers pn] [verb] it is [art] " in BNC.

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1 The emphasis of the book from now on is of a pragmatic nature , but I hope it is a sanctified pragmatism applied to operating within and shaping the contemporary manifestations of the Church of Christ .
2 it 's basic but I mean it is a nice
3 But I expect it is the effects of expatriation .
4 So I do n't deny a an an access to housin or an affordable housing problem , quite the contrary , but I say it is a policy which is a it is a problem capable of solution by local plan policy , not by wholesale allocation of land as he advocates .
5 It is a long time since I used this word processor , so I am pretty dozy about it still , but I reckon it is an improvement on my handwriting .
6 But I think it is a pointless exercise , ’ said Floy , somewhere towards morning , a thin , cold light filtering in through the windows to where he sat at a great desk , his black hair tumbled , hollows in his cheeks , his face white with fatigue .
7 They 're not trying to push , they are only trying to be helpful , but I think it is a material matter for the committee to consider .
8 But I think it is a point .
9 So I do think that the , I do n't think it actually does necessarily come down to glossy brochures , but I think it is a management attitude erm , in terms of mark developing a very much more pro-active marketing approach to going out and competing aggressively in the market place for the contracts .
10 Of course , there is a left and right side to that stream , but I think it is the left side of the stream which is broadening . ’
11 I do not have anything personal against the three men but I think it is an unmitigated disaster for the children of our country .
12 The Danish international has been linked with a move to Arsenal , but I understand it is the Saints who have made the most serious move to his Italian club , Pisa .
13 Marry , so there have been diverse good plots devised and wise counsels cast already about reformation of that realm , but they say it is the fatal destiny of that land that no purposes whatsoever are meant for her good will prosper or take good effect , which whether it proceed from the very genius of the soil , or the influence of the stars , or that Almighty God hath not yet appointed the time of her reformation , or that He reserveth her in this unquiet state still , for some secret scourge which shall by her come unto England , it is hard to be known but yet much to be feared .
14 It is approaching midnight , but he agrees it is a fine idea .
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