Example sentences of "but [adv] it [be] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At one stage it was thought that the old lady would be written off , but luckily it was not to be and the following year I was able to take her from Buckie with a new lease of life .
2 Well that will seem to me to be a bit more but obviously it 's up to you but it may not quite work out as neatly as erm but you may well like to think about the role of women as perceived , the way they treat men and relationships .
3 But soon it was on with those famous upside-down glasses and down to business .
4 I 've he , I 've heard that one before , but like it 's just like this one in n it ?
5 N we ourselves have just started to put together our first thoughts on it in advance of receiving that advice , but clearly it 's much to early to be coming to getting the conclusions as to what that g guidance will eventually contain .
6 At first he wore the crown he had found only occasionally , but later it was always on his scarred green skull and he became increasingly silent and brooding .
7 But now it is up to the Catholic officials and the county to find the money from the £243,000 I have set aside for church school repairs .
8 I was told the fun was beginning to go out of it , but now it is back as the competition for best fancy dress is nearly as tough as the race itself .
9 Yah , they 're taking it off the satellite and it used to be there was always the seven o'clock news , except in central side when it was always the six o'clock news , but now it 's on at like any old time , five thirty , six thirty , seven .
10 But now it 's up to us to lift ourselves out of it . ’
11 All of them things are all right in peacetime — we like to have ceremonies and royal robes — but now it 's up to us ali — not Kings and Queens . ’
12 But now it was up to volunteers to tackle the necessary labouring jobs .
13 He would not , himself , have mentioned the matter , but now it was out in the open it would provide something to talk about .
14 She threw up until the nausea passed , just as it always did if she drank alcohol , but now it was almost as if her body already knew alcohol was bad for the tiny life growing inside her .
15 Par for this giant among seaside courses has been amended to 73 for the Amateur Championship , ‘ but today it 's more like 76 ’ declared club professional , Dai Stevenson .
16 It is not for the squeamish , but equally it is not for the merely despairing .
17 There is a similar distinction between ‘ debentures ’ and ‘ debenture stock ’ but here it is far from meaningless and debenture stock has considerable practical advantages .
18 Quite normal to be a little bit more than half an hour but el traffico wardens about an whoever takes your number sort of jus just after you parked then it is half an hour but sometimes it 's not for
19 But sometimes it was more like seeing Christians fed to the lions .
20 But there it was again in Troy 's hand , perfectly clean and free from blood .
21 Photographed with large telescopes , this is one of the loveliest and most vividly-coloured of all the nebulæ , but visually it is not at all easy to see .
22 William Morris thought of it as being ‘ in the style of the thirteenth century ’ , but then it is also in the style of Philip Webb 's master , G.E .
23 In appropriate circumstances , and where the profit margin admits of the taking of such a risk , sellers do sometimes accept liability for economic loss , but then it is usually with some upper limit , or through the operation of a liquidated damages clause .
24 But then it 's probably beyond your powers to design boots as well as make them . ’
25 we put people off going , so I 'm not saying anything about it , not erm , I do n't , I mean , I do n't , I could say what the story of Major Barbara is , but then it 's not in any of the printed pamphlets for sighted people , therefore , should I , what should I do Cathy I do n't know
26 All aluminium saucepans including those from Buckingham Palace here collected in July nineteen forty but unfortunately it was not of the right grade and so housewives then suffered for the rest of the war and having to cook with inferior pans .
27 It returns to the sea to lay its eggs , but otherwise it is entirely at home on land .
28 This is perverse dance floor music — miles better to hear in a club than 90 per cent of those insipid remixes and cover versions — but sadly it is only in the ‘ elite ’ establishments that you will hear this at the decibel level that it demands .
29 This is perverse dance floor music — miles better to hear in a club than 90 per cent of those insipid remixes and cover versions — but sadly it is only in the ‘ elite ’ establishments that you will hear this at the decibel level that it demands .
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