Example sentences of "but [pron] do [verb] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But I do know when I 'm being railroaded .
2 But I do know where I was when I fell — in the belt of grass under the bank , and facing straight ahead the way I was walking .
3 All that remains to be said is incised on stone , and the living go around silently with long faces and glances that mean ‘ I ca n't tell you how sorry I am , but I do know how you feel . ’
4 Then quickly turning back to her , she said , ‘ But I do know how he feels about you .
5 I was n't actually born in Thorn House , it was n't a maternity home that long ago — ’ she gave a wry smile ‘ — but I do remember when it opened , some time in the Forties , just after the war , when mothers started having their babies away from home .
6 But I did discover where they had been coming in — through the stable and into the wall — and where they had resided when I pulled down the ceiling lathes in the dairy and a load of old nests and rat droppings fell on to my head .
7 Sorry , to take a little bit of time but I did point out we 've got two motions on the Health Service and erm , I think it 's a little bit more important than just er , formally seconding .
8 ‘ No , but I did wonder why you do n't move your bed along there .
9 You always said , you always said Mark but you do do n't you ?
10 Yeah , but she does does n't she ?
11 Sarah had hardly thought about her brother yet , but she did wonder when he missed his tea .
12 It 'll be harder to get to the villa in some respects because Val and John , Val , Val 's husband 's retiring in July , he suffers with his dreadful headache , and they 're going to spend ninety per cent of their time in Spain , but she did say whenever I want to go , as long as I let them know they 'll come home cos they 're gon na buy a house in Chesterfield and er she said whenever we wan na go , they 'll come back over to their house in Chesterfield , so , we
13 At the same time , we reduced capital expenditure from forty two million dollars to twenty four million dollars , but we did keep up our R and D efforts and had several rather successful new product introductions during the year .
14 Now merely saying that is not evidence of any kind ( and may merely annoy those AI workers who program in languages other than LISP and do use flow-charts ) , but it does bring out something of the opposition between modules and levels that is the heart of the last part of this paper : flow-chart boxes are essentially separated from each other in ways like those that separate the modules of programs ; but program levels are not like that .
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