Example sentences of "but [pron] be [verb] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The two fresh contenders of greatest interest , if only because they were not even in the side when Scotland trounced Ireland at Murrayfield , are Peter Clohessy on the tight-head — a player who incurred the wrath of Australia 's Bob Dwyer but who was held to have made quite an impact on the Lions ' top brass versus Wales — and the young stand-off , Eric Ellwood .
2 A Very little is known about Foster , but he is believed to have worked with Leppard in Bristol around 1810–30 .
3 Staff made frantic attempts to revive him but he is thought to have suffered a massive heart attack .
4 He did not accomplish much , beyond making it clear to the owners that , in return for their agreement to a national minimum , he would abandon Samuel and give them the eight-hour day ; but he was thought to have acquitted himself well .
5 How it got its name is not a documented fact , but it is believed to have come about when the tailors of London congregated at the Haymarket Theatre to protest about a play called The Tailors : A Tragedy For Warm Weather .
6 BR electrical engineers searched the area for the suspect wire but it is believed to have melted under the force of the current .
7 Details of the ‘ highly sensitive ’ information have not been made public , but it is understood to have originated from intelligence and diplomatic sources and probably relates to plans by Marcos loyalists to capitalise on his return to the country .
8 But it was thought to have gone out unaltered .
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