Example sentences of "but [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At this very minute things are being designed under railway arches about which we have no idea , but which will emerge as new industries in the future .
2 But you 'll know for certain tomorrow ? ’
3 FRISK Dennis Cooper A ‘ gay American Psycho ’ they said , but you 'll search in vain for long lists of clothes and accessories .
4 But you must watch for underhand dealings , if not deception , in early April and July .
5 Howard replied , ‘ We do not wish to interfere with your religion , but you must talk about practicable things .
6 Mulching the ground with a thick layer of garden compost , cocoa shell or chipped bark is an effective way to suppress them in flower beds , but you must start with weed-free ground .
7 But you must wait for good weather to appreciate the mighty Picos de Europa range of mountains , just follow the river Deva through the dramatic La Hermida Defile ravine to the pretty Alpinesque town of Potes and on the Fuente Dé , where a cable car ascends the last 800 metres up to the sheer rock face .
8 It was rough , but you could get through easy enough before the new bracken grew .
9 Rather than quite as abstract as that But you can cope with abstract as that you can do A level .
10 Prices start at £3,000 , but you can gaze for free at the Raab Gallery in London 's Cork Street from Sept 8 to Oct 3 .
11 I like it with a filling of apricot and orange , but you can experiment with other fruit fillings .
12 But who could say for certain ?
13 To say nothing of his general right of liberty or reputation , his rights as a husband or a parent are not proprietary rights , nor is his right to recover damages for personal injury or defamation ; but we may include among proprietary rights the right to recover damages though unliquidated ( i.e. of uncertain amount until settled by a judge or jury ) for breach of contract , or , probably , even for injury to his property .
14 But we can distinguish between wanted and unwanted sexual attention , especially important in universities where futures are forged .
15 Of course because there are no living trilobites we can not find direct confirmation of this hypothesis , but we can look for other arthropods that have the same modifications of the eyes , for example , in the present day oceans .
16 The viruses are inactivated by removing most of their pathogenic sequences , but they can recombine with wild type viruses in the environment .
17 But they should put in little sort of qualifications like er er they gave people land and if they went off to fight then it would be guaranteed that the land would be tilled .
18 But they must progress without brilliant fly-half Naas Botha , who announced his retirement at the end of his 28th Test .
19 If , therefore , an old person at this stage moves a distance into the son or daughter 's home , they may not only lose a lifetime of familiar associations but they must struggle with complex adjustments within the family .
20 Before returning to England he was asked to persuade Gladstone to come over for the 1878 Yale ‘ commencement ’ but he would plead in vain .
21 This man would blow up a city without five seconds ' compunction — and she did not criticise him for that — but he would insist on good whisky , eat in good restaurants , like to travel first-class .
22 But he can attend to individual skills and in that respect , knowing Dusty and his firm opinions as we do , we feel we have recruited a winner . ’
23 This provision does not appear to have been formally invoked but it may prove of particular assistance in some federal systems where there can be constitutional problems in appropriating funds for these expenses .
24 So far , this is fly fishing but it may develop into other things .
25 For example , an asset such as land would not normally attract a depreciation charge but it would result in principal charges to revenue if it was financed by loan .
26 This would not only reduce its political significance but it would allow for yearly increases ( though broadcasters have been quick to point out that the general rate of inflation is below the industry 's rate and so an increase would still leave a shortfall which can only be made up by savings ) .
27 But it must stand alongside other factors , the principal one of which is that the date of his first review should , in my view , relate strictly to the judicial view of the tariff .
28 You 've got er , a sh , a T , we knew it was a T , but it could turn to different shapes ,
29 It can be caused by a high level of oxygen in premature babies , but it can occur without artificial administration of oxygen .
30 It has no powers to impose solutions on a local authority , but it can insist on adequate publicity for its reports ; 3 .
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