Example sentences of "but [pron] [vb mod] [adv] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 But I 'll surely use some better card than this .
2 ‘ But … but I could never wear that .
3 I think in vitro fertilisation is wonderful for childless couples , but I could never consider that option for us .
4 But I should probably do that when I can come and see you and show you where it
5 It has never , of course , been my privilege to have seen such things at first hand , but I will nevertheless hazard this with some confidence : the English landscape at its finest — such as I saw it this morning — possesses a quality that the landscapes of other nations , however more superficially dramatic , inevitably fail to possess .
6 But I will never forget that time we both watched your father walking back and forth in front of the summerhouse , looking down at the ground as though he hoped to find some precious jewel he had dropped there . ’
7 Na er well of course I 'm seve seventy nine but I can still remember most of it and I did have a very bad time !
8 But I can only do few animals , but that 's all .
9 As I say , you 'd be paying two plans , two policy fees , two setting up charges , administration costs etc , so there 's all that to be weighed up with the advantages over , I 've actually got another plan , but I can only claim half of it , for the first six months .
10 Big one but I can only see that .
11 We are called upon to make such statements in all sorts of circumstances in our constituencies and sometimes we do it slightly with tongue in cheek , but I can genuinely make such a statement about many homes .
12 I 'd like to but I can never watch any more , he 's always got the
13 ‘ I 'm too young for pearls , ’ she teased , ‘ and I have shoes enough , but I can never have enough of romance . ’
14 but I 'd never put any of them at Right Back again , Or buy somebody .
15 but you 'll already get that
16 But you 'll never know all the reasons why .
17 A picture may be worth a thousand words but you 'll still need some text to explain what the pictures are about !
18 But you 'll naturally have more stock wo n't you at the beginning of the year .
19 Your manager might say , well to earn X amount from the branch statistics and company statistics you actually need to , but you 'll actually get this information off the computer , so I 'm a for telling you that .
20 You may obviously you 're going to have two payments coming in but you may well find that you know they 're no longer on the same sort of day .
21 But you would only approach that business on the basis that well the estate agent has asked me to give you er you know he he feels that you would benefit and erm from this exposure and er has asked me to approach you first .
22 When diagnosed early , treatments available from aquatic specialists should help , but you must also make all necessary improvements in aquarium or pond conditions .
23 As the father of eleven children ( laughter and applause ) — I have not been a disciple of Dr Malthus but you will clearly understand that , while I appreciate the ladies , I am strongly of the opinion that they have their proper station in life ( Hear !
24 Among the celebrating parties , you could see … those that were cheering for la France and de Gaulle , others for Stalin , others for el-Hussaini ( the Palestinian grand mufti ) , but you could scarcely see any that were cheering for Lebanon . ’
25 It is an ideal situation , when living alone , that you should enjoy your own company , but you should also balance this with forays into the outside world , otherwise solitude becomes loneliness and seclusion becomes a state of imprisonment .
26 So some of the things that we 're going to be looking at this morning is ways for you to use , that the people working with you can come up with some new ideas , but you can also use these ways yourself , because sometimes you do n't have the luxury of people to help you with your problem .
27 But you can also consider another direction of time , up and down the page .
28 You do have people from both sexes , of equal abilities and potential strengths , and it would be possible at that stage to have a training pool of people , which perhaps , er redress the balance , and perhaps er gradually have available many people , but you can only do that , if people come forward without skills that you need in order to train them into the jobs .
29 But you can only play that particular game when in actuality there is something to find .
30 You will lose all text formatting , but you can always do this again .
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