Example sentences of "but [pron] [vb mod] not [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 I mean , I can swim or cycle , but I ca n't go to aerobics or do those kind of things , because I 'd feel too self-conscious .
2 No cos it , it was straightforward I think and does n't look to be too much wasted , you , you know they leave all that so I 'll just it a quick , a quick , really a very quick hoover but I ca n't get to the bit where the waste carpet is but er yes it looks nice I think .
3 ‘ I 've got to be patient with players in the side but I ca n't afford to be patient for too long . ’
4 But I would not agree to this plan .
5 But I would n't go to them
6 Well I 've never had the experience and I do n't think my family have , I er no I should n't think it was really , they might , I suppose somebody , they used to have a reputation at one time these chemists was doing minor , giving you something for some minor ailment , but I would n't care to sort of er , I 'd never think of it , no there were quite a lot of doctors about you know , there was er Doctor at the top of Road and there was Doctor , Doctor oh there was a lot of doctors about .
7 But I would n't talk to them about their work .
8 Well no , but I would n't want to be able to replace these at the prices that these cost us , unless
9 Yeah , I thought of being that once but I would n't mind it in the wards , but I would n't want to be in the operating theatre , I do n't know why , the blood do n't put me off or anything , but
10 So I eventually gorr it out the way , but I would n't like to gerr into that position again .
11 I mean she 's not not that bad but I would n't like to I mean
12 Yeah , but I might not go to school tomorrow .
13 ‘ I may not be able to prevent Thomas becoming his stepson , but I wo n't agree to him being adopted , nor will he use his name . ’
14 But I could not bear to be supplanted in a view that lay next to my heart by an old acquaintance .
15 Bruce Calvert-Toulmin , one of dozens of Britons at a campsite in Aubignan , said : ‘ I saw people trying to cling to trees 20 yards away but I could not get to them .
16 It could have been Livesey , but I could n't swear to it . ’
17 But I could n't get to grips with it .
18 It 's a bad time , admitted , there 's truth in that , but I should n't choose to be out of it .
19 I do n't know what maggot has got into her head , but I will not dance to her piping , any more than you .
20 But I will not listen to any more of your rotten insinuations about my mother .
21 But I can not talk to you .
22 ‘ He will not be pleased to know you are here , but I can not lie to him . ’
23 One could add humorous comments — his act of falling flat on his face from a standing position — but you wo n't need to be reminded of them , Rosemary .
24 ‘ I 'm warm toward people , but you ca n't expect to be loved .
25 Well , there are potatoes and wheat and rice but you ca n't talk to vegetables .
26 In Africa life is hard , but you ca n't go to crime .
27 Lee Doherty summed it up afterwards when he said : ‘ We 'll settle for the 3–1 win , but you would n't want to be watching that kind of football every week .
28 But you would n't want to be without them thought would you ?
29 But you would n't listen to me .
30 the chasm is too great though the gulf between God and man is , is far too wide and we try our various planks , our planks of being good , of doing nice things , planks of being religious , of being confirmed , of being baptized , of going to church of perhaps attending church , perhaps even becoming a member of a church , the plank of saying prayers I think you know and God does n't even hear us , the bible tells us , if I regarded iniquity in my heart God does n't hear me , he says I will not hear you , the only prayer that God hears from the sinner is God be merciful to me a sinner and we 've tried that plank and it does n't work , of course it does n't because that 's not what it means to be a Christian , the plank of bible reading , we can read the bible , we can memorise it , it does n't make us a Christian , Jesus said to some of the religious leaders of his days , you search the scriptures for you think that in them you have life , but you will not come to me , and so it 's not being in religious , er being religious or any thing else as we well know , it 's something far , far more fundamental than that , those words that Jesus said to Nicodemus you must be born again , that new birth , that new start , starting all over again , and so what happens , what 's it all about , what is it to , what is it to be a Christian .
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