Example sentences of "but [pron] [noun pl] have [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In Britain the law and order approach has been particularly associated with the Conservative government of Margaret Thatcher ( Prime Minister from 1979 to 1990 ) , but its effects have been felt in other countries as well , notably the USA .
2 The USM , which opened in 1980 , was very successful in the 1980s in attracting young growth companies , but its advantages have been eroded .
3 The Allspeeds drives and controls subsidiary is the only remaining poor performer , but its losses have been stopped .
4 Englishmen had been settling overseas for a century and a half but their colonies had been inhabited by people who , apart from the slaves who got no choice in the matter , had no particular difficulty in committing themselves to being loyal to King George : Englishmen , Scotsmen , Irishmen , or Germans would accept the King without question , and the Dutch of New York and the Acadians of Nova Scotia were almost the only people who had ever been asked to make a serious change of allegiance , which had been harder for the Acadians because of religious differences .
5 People may still have their memories but their certainties have been undermined .
6 Small comfort for those languishing in the prisons or holed up in the hills , one suspects , but their toils have been translated into the stuff of great writing — Gabriel Garcia Marquez , Mario Vargas Llosa and Graham Greene have , in different ways , picked over the moral and political wreckage of Latin America , and you feel it needs writers of their calibre to make sense of it .
7 But their tablatures had been completed around 1530 and cover an older repertory , plus a few pieces by Senfl , and then there is an almost complete gap until Ammerbach published his Orgel oder Instrument Tabulatur in 1571 .
8 If the preceding analysis is correct , then Gundovald 's support can be seen to depend on three different groups : there were members of Childebert 's court , seemingly anxious to keep their options open until the king was recognized as being of an age to rule ; there were men who had been followers of Guntram , but whose positions had been compromised ; and finally there were military leaders who had been in the service of Chilperic , but who had been too far from court at the time of his murder to ensure their survival under Chlothar II , whose own succession could scarcely be taken for granted .
9 They include Robert Ryman , Donald Judd , Sol LeWitt , Robert Mangold , Dan Graham , Lawrence Weiner ( who has created a new work for Dean Clough , Halifax ) , John Baldessari , Art and Language , Richard Long , Barry Flanagan , Mario Merz , Gerhard Richter and On Kawara , as well as other artists who enjoyed some popularity and recognition twenty-five years ago but whose careers have been ignored in recent times .
10 The party leader , Kurt Schumacher , was a strong-minded social reformer and anti-communist , but his energies had been sapped by years in concentration camps under the Nazis , he refused to co-operate with ‘ bourgeois ’ political parties or the Catholic Church , and he had an abrasive , intolerant personal manner .
11 It is made clear that the boy was exposed to serious danger by his father 's irresponsibility and by his sisters ' departure : but his sisters had been exposed to this father too , and had had to defend themselves .
12 His feelings were heightened , but his drives had been running down .
13 Yes , it is a fact , but what airlines have been forced to do now is cut their costs , reshape , look at where they were losing money , and perhaps that 's a positive thing .
14 When your life has changed but your looks have been left way behind , you need an image update .
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