Example sentences of "but [pron] [verb] with [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Gingerly she took a sip of the soup , surprised to find it was not only delicious but nothing to do with any can or packet .
2 ANOTHER travel firm collapsed last night — but everyone booked with Greek Connections , of Fleet , Hants , will get their money back .
3 But you see with this bank thing with the government , you can have a loan I think it 's up to about four thousand pound like a restart .
4 Jo loathed her blobby nose , her receding chin , her long body , her short legs , her droopy ass , her fat thighs , her white skin that absolutely refused to tan and her brown hair which frizzed and which her mother would n't even let her frost ; she accepted that she would never look like Faye Dunaway , never be a Prom Queen and that most of her body was a total disaster area , but she knew with absolute certainty that she had great tits .
5 But she knew with bleak certainty that , once she 'd left it , she would never , ever come back .
6 She has been coughing but she worked with sufficient sparkle at Lambourn on Saturday to persuade trainer Barry Hills that she is ready to put her reputation on the line .
7 Using a system of this type allows a warm draught-free area , but one provided with adequate ventilation .
8 Permeable areas usually have only a few streams , but they flow with little variation throughout the year and rarely flood .
9 They tried the resulting complaints as the King 's Bench would have done , but they dealt with private suits as well as with crime .
10 They may be mostly kids who still worry about spots — facial as well as first team — but they performed with commendable maturity , resolve and verve at White Hart Lane .
11 The sheriff of Lincoln was sent to Stamford , but he met with considerable resistance , and Peck , quoting John Selden , suggests the king himself came to the town because of the students ' stubbornness .
12 The War Requiem was not exactly what he would have chosen but he accepted with feigned enthusiasm .
13 He had turned to the door , but he paused with one hand on the handle , and without turning round he said , ‘ No , I have n't . ’
14 Lynagh missed half-a-dozen kicks at goal but he succeeded with one conversion and five penalties .
15 His harmonic conception , founded on the example of Clifford Brown and Freddie Hubbard , was unalloyed bop , and as such derivative , but he played with great facility and imagination within those boundaries , and never faltered in his articulation , however fast the tempo or complex the harmonic sequence .
16 Dubois does not have the most winning of voices — there 's a suggestion of a whining edge which becomes apparent at times of stress — but he sings with some intelligence and sensitivity to the words and music .
17 The C E C believes that this is not only unfair , but it interferes with local government democracy and free collective bargaining and should be opposed .
18 But it ran with each school area , you know , Berry , Grimness , Marketthorpe and so on , and now of course the total areas as one but I think perhaps it would be permissible to somebody with local parentage maybe not resident in the area .
19 It may open with desire of woman , but it ends with unexpected consolation or with another desire not of woman . ’
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