Example sentences of "but [pron] [verb] [prep] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was much talk and many meetings but nothing came of this venture , then in May 1909 , the question of a bridge between Halling and Wouldham was again debated .
2 ( The city of Oxford in 1546 negotiated with Stumpe for a similar use of Osney Abbey , hoping to provide work for 2,000 people , but nothing came of this project . )
3 And er the diesel pumps were n't on and er there was a couple of guys putting on breathing apparatus and trying to get in to restart them , but I mean by this stage the smoke was so thick they could n't even find where the pumps were .
4 I understand that there will not be one , but I end on this note : that will allow the official Opposition to say that they did not oppose the Bill because there was no vote on Second Reading .
5 And I was really wrecked and I was I was n't even actually ill I just sat , well I was eventually but I sat on this wall for about four hours , yeah
6 Now I have considerable respect for the House of Commons ' Environment Committee but I think on this occasion they must have been tired and emotional when they wrote that .
7 Sadly we 're seeing things too often which have expertise but I think on this occasion we should support the community arts team and not delete the item from the budget .
8 Oh hold on , you 've got , you 've got a , you could have a shot at those , but I think at this stage of the game , it 'll be best if you did have a shot at the yellow .
9 ‘ It 's the season of goodwill to all mankind but its looks like this man had had enough of womankind , ’ added PC Weal who ordered them a taxi .
10 Yes but you see at this time the girl took up her tea tray and , and when she took , she knocked on the door and when she opened the door the Manageress was lying on the floor
11 But you see with this bank thing with the government , you can have a loan I think it 's up to about four thousand pound like a restart .
12 Sara did not care to be beholden to Matthew Preston for even one pupil , but she knew at this moment she could not afford to be choosey .
13 But she stayed on this balcony , her eyes on him , on this shape which fear had reduced to animal idiocy .
14 And I have to say that 's a luxury that most recruiters do n't have but whoever walks through this door I I you know providing all the other things jell erm I have the luxury of offering five companies in which er an individual can go into .
15 The other is that they were Christians but they received at this point more of the Holy Spirit , they were filled with the Spirit ‘ as at the beginning . ’
16 Well yeah but he said without this card he ca n't get no money , cos he 's used what money he had to pay off the card .
17 He liked her , you could n't help but like her , but he wished in this moment it was in him to more than like her .
18 for not only was the Earl Patrick suspicious of anyone coming from the regency , but he happened at this juncture to be consoling himself with a local lady , in the absence of marital comforts .
19 MARK ‘ HUBBA HUBBA ’ CASWELL denies ever playing one in his life ( that 's my story and I 'm sticking to it — Corky ) , but he volunteered for this job quickly enough …
20 But anyone working in this field will receive from time to time invitations to offer evidence as an expert witness in such cases .
21 Unfortunately , parts of the original manuscript , especially those dealing with tillage and the management of stock other than sheep , have been lost , but what remains of this farming book comprises the most detailed contemporary account of seventeenth-century farming practice .
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