Example sentences of "but [pron] [noun] be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I thought I 'd killed him , but my dread was replaced by fear as he began to come round .
2 I tried to pull myself out but my foot was caught in some branches and the current squashed the canoe hard up against me , allowing me no movement .
3 It is a big bridal veil , but my picture was taken from a long way off .
4 I tried to get up but my legs were pulled from under me and I was kicked by my opponent .
5 ‘ Well , I wanted to see you two days ago , sir , but my plane was grounded by storms .
6 We entered the room and Mum began to look round , but my eyes were drawn to the bed .
7 I saw white wool carpets on the gleaming floor and also glimpsed clothing of the costliest taffeta , lace and cambric , but my eyes were drawn to the great silk-draped four-poster bed .
8 Now in that room at Fontainebleau so many years ago , I studied Francis but my eyes were drawn to that bloody ring which sparkled on the fourth finger of his left hand .
9 But my soul is steeped in the blackest sin . ’
10 This report had partially blamed the armed forces for the massacre [ see p. 38677 ] , but its findings were described by a February Amnesty International report as " unacceptable and fatally flawed " .
11 Easter , however , was not only a movable feast but its incidence was calculated on different dating systems by the Celtic and Roman churches .
12 The House of Lords may be an irritant , but its powers are restricted by the Parliament Acts .
13 But its members are thought to be waiting to see what its British equivalent comes up with .
14 The Labour Party began its own Book Service at the end of 1939 in an attempt to provide the alternative , but its efforts were hindered by the war and could not attract a fraction of the readership achieved by the Left Book Club .
15 So far as one of its most important components was concerned , early opera developed pari passu with solo song , but its evolution was controlled by other factors .
16 Attempts were made to disperse the stone throwers with a water cannon , but its progress was halted by a barricade ; police trying to clear the obstruction returned fire with stones which had been thrown at them .
17 Solland is now part of Wissenland and Drakwald is divided between Nordland and Middenland , but its memory is preserved in the name of the Drakwald forest .
18 But its limits are exposed by asking a simple question : why , then , should Mr Lawson not be quite happy to see the deficit get even larger ?
19 But its tip was jammed between two planks of the stage and it stood up , gently flexing .
20 The Third Republic had survived the Great War of 1914–18 but its institutions were blamed by many for the humiliation of 1940 .
21 As Dr Berg has put it : " Certainly the home market grew in the eighteenth century , but its expansion was based on changing social relations and not on a national trend of rising living standards . "
22 For the most part the rule of recognition is not stated , but its existence is shown in the way in which particular rules are identified , either by courts or other officials or private persons or their advisers …
23 This is a major task , but its importance is affirmed by the attention feminists in general , and Marxist-feminists in particular , are giving to the problem of women 's place in the class system .
24 With the passing of Law and Long there were no Unionists in the cabinet who had both authority and detachment ; the link had been broken , but its importance was demonstrated with devastating effect when both intervened to influence the events of October 1922 .
25 A young red deer puts on weight at a considerable rate during its first summer , but its growth is reduced to less than half of this rate during the winter .
26 Should one warhorse be slain the wagon can still move but its speed is reduced to 4″ .
27 VAUDEMANGES : The village itself and most of the commune is on Micraster but its vines are shared with Billy-le-Grand on Belemnite .
28 The moon was fuller than the night before , but its light was diffused by cloud .
29 The use of music in worship in New Zealand has grown in quantity as a result of greater congregational singing , but its quality is said by a correspondent to have declined greatly .
30 Physics was regarded as ‘ the extreme of pure science ’ but its practitioners were thought of as ‘ boffins living in Cloud-Cuckoo land ’ .
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