Example sentences of "but [pron] [be] [adv] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But I am slowly getting better , with Anita 's help .
2 But I remember I 'd got a box on my mantlepiece erm not only was I using the pessaries but I was also taking these when the period was due .
3 Some months ago , a reader sent me a copy of the form she 'd received from the States , but I was then advised this was n't likely to be honoured in law .
4 ‘ We learnt of it a fortnight since , ’ said Aranyos , ‘ but I was only told last week .
5 In point of fact the reverse ruled : I was constantly having chits thrust at me giving me a blow-by-blow account of " Charlie 's " state of health , but I was never made aware of the seriousness of Eddie 's wound , and somehow I did not know until I visited him in hospital later that morning .
6 Yes , I 'm wearing subfusc which is the sort of uniform students of the university always wear when they 're taking exams , so it 's a familiar sight on the street of Oxford , but I 'm also wearing clerical bands , which are a sign of my office .
7 But I 'm best kept secret
8 But I 'm best kept secret
9 then V will be You can write it as sine squared but I 'm just writing this way cos it it means more .
10 Yeah , but I 'm just finishing that .
11 I 'll give you a dish , yeah I know , I know you 're not to open them but I 'm just making sure that you know that they 're yours , now do you want a dish or not ?
12 Well I 've got one in there but I 'm just doing this as a to save me lifting it .
13 I was gon na get well I 'm contemplating but I 'm either getting four cans of Strongbow and a bottle or just eight cans of Strongbow .
14 But I 'm actually using more and more of this cream , as I realize that er if you direct it towards the right part of the body in the right people ,
15 I know that but I 'm only doing this as a favour , and I 've got ta really go out of my way to get this piece of wood .
16 It 's ridiculous , I know , wearing the cardigan , I mean — after all , it is May , but I 'm still getting acclimatised .
17 I could , I , but nobody 's ever suggested that before .
18 But again , you know , you 're paying here premiums for twenty thousand pound , but you 're only getting ten .
19 A considerable amount of freedom — I do n't think anybody would dispute that — but you are actually using public resources , you 're using erm highly expensive equipment , do you really not feel that in that situation some measure of at least financial control is essential ?
20 But she 's already rejected four agency nurses now , so I 'm getting a bit desperate . ’
21 Katharine Over has only been studying Japanese for a year , but she 's already considered good enough to act as an ambassador for Britain .
22 But she 's now making another name for herself as the brains behind the first horse register in the country .
23 But she 's only wrote one letter .
24 But she is rapidly growing demoralised by her situation and is increasingly disinclined to do very much .
25 But she was later overwhelmed 6–2 6–1 by the fourth seeded Czech , Helena Sukova .
26 This time the chasm yawned in front of her , and she knew that she might close her eyes for the moment , but she was already taking little steps towards the edge .
27 Betty would probably rather be in the Dordogne , but she was here making sure that Lydia did n't lay violent hands on herself in the profundity of her misery , or let herself go to seed in the spiritless fashion of an old thistle .
28 Someone who wishes to obtain some food in return for some clothes , not only has to find someone who has some food , but who is also seeking some clothes .
29 One five year old in Ohio who watched the cartoon but who was also left alone with matches , burned down the family home , killing his two year old sister .
30 It 's conclusions , we 're not subject to consultation but we 're instead given wide and extensive publicity in a series of elaborate video roadshows , with information cascading down .
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