Example sentences of "but [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] things " in BNC.

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1 But in the nature of things … " and here he twisted his red lips to signal and to share with them the perspectives of this operation " certain approaches have to be tentative and even apparently , ad hoc .
2 " It would depend on nervous strain or other excitement , of course , but from the look of things this strikes me as a fairly cool job .
3 He had rung through to the Swan Hotel in Stratford to set a revised time of arrival at 6.15 p.m. ; but by the look of things it was going to be , in Wellington 's words , ‘ a damn close-run thing ’ .
4 Dicey felt that ‘ a real limit to the exercise of sovereignty is imposed not by the laws of man but by the nature of things ’ .
5 A. V. Dicey , the prominent nineteenth-century jurist and by no means an extreme anti-feminist , considered that while distinctions of rights founded on sex often gave rise to injustice ‘ they have this in their favour — they rest upon a difference not created by social conventions or by human prejudice and selfishness , or by accidental circumstances … which split society into classes , but by the nature of things ’ .
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