Example sentences of "but [prep] [adj] [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But for each one so highlighted in this way there are many others just out of sight contributing equally to the Club 's welfare and success .
2 Most guests use a lounge for coffee , tea or for meeting friends ; but for those who simply want to relax away from the bedroomn , newspapers and magazines are an essential extra .
3 But for some it only lasts until they reach the office — 31% felt that their work was not taken care of properly while they were away .
4 I told them if we did n't get more light and heat up here soon I 'd tear a few more of them apart , but after that they only started acting all stupid , and anyway they 'll soon forget ; they always do . "
5 But after that you just had to do it yourselves .
6 Later that day — the 26th — Hitler was still in command of his mental state sufficiently to send a telegram to Mussolini demanding a precise list of what he needed , but after that he almost snapped .
7 I tried to remember what my sister Mary had said about ignoring old wives ' tales and I tried to put them from my mind , but after that I often caught myself glancing at Granny 's picture and it seemed to me that her black eyes came alive and followed me round the room .
8 ( But after all he also pegged the cost of the National Health Service at £400 million ! )
9 ‘ It 's a big disappointment to lose Kharin , but despite that we still have a good team — although when we play Rangers in Glasgow in April I do n't know how many players we will have left . ’
10 But despite this he still finds time for his family and to play squash at weekends .
11 ‘ I believe everyone has innate creativity ’ she confided in me , ‘ but with some it just takes a little bit of coaxing before it will surface ’ .
12 We think it 's bad enough just my wife being pregnant , but with this it just takes it near enough unbearable .
13 But in general it just means that we 've arrived , we 've discovered that nobody 's trapped , and we go away .
14 It set up a succession of bodies to deal with the problem , but in 1922 it actually cut back expenditure , already insufficient , in this sphere .
15 The great propagandist for agricultural capitalism naturally fav-oured high cereal prices , but in 1771 he also made the link with high wages , insisting that " great earnings " caused many workers to offer only four or five days ' labour .
16 In 1947 it had an average daily circulation of 2 , 134,000 copies but in 1961 it only sold 1,394,000 copies .
17 May be she did not do as well in the major championships as in previous years but in 1990 she still managed to win one Australian , get in to the final of the French and the US Opens , and the semi final of Wimbledon .
18 But in 1968 he somehow persuaded Columbia to let him direct Easy Rider .
19 Like most deserted villages Great Stretton was always on the small side , but in 1563 it still contained fifteen families .
20 In exceptional cases they may be able to continue for 300 yards , but beyond this they quickly become exhausted and give up .
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