Example sentences of "but [adj] [pron] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The other children were clean and decently fed , but this one had a smell of the gutters about him and looked like he could do with some good food to fatten him up .
2 But those who fear a loss of trade are also guilty of over-reaction .
3 Gust becos I cud not spel It did not mean I was daft When the boys in school red my riting Some of them laffed But now I am the dictater They have to rite like me Utherwise they can not pas Ther GCSE Some of the girls wer ok But those who laffed a lot Have al bean rownded up And have recintly bean shot The teecher who corrected my speling As not been shot at al But four the last fifteen howers As bean standing up against a wal He has to stand ther until he can spel Figgymisgrugifooniyn the rite way I think he will stand ther forever I just inventid it today
4 Thus any person who is seised of land has a protected interest in that land , good against all but those who have a title based on an older seisin .
5 But first we make a stop at the east foot of the hills , a highly active area of slimy , bubbling sulphur pits .
6 But first we needed a partner with welding expertise , in the same way as with RAMP , we had arranged a deal with a firm established in paint spraying .
7 But first we need a map .
8 The area surrounding the main figures will be scumbled , but first I added a number of transparent glazes to the perimeter to enrich the scene
9 I will discuss in a moment how such transport might be achieved , but first I give an example of its role in maintaining life .
10 But first I need a piss . ’
11 But first he wanted a word with Darren before the boy was driven home .
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