Example sentences of "but [adj] [noun] [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 A. culicifacies , the sole vector in Sri Lanka , remains susceptible to BHC and malathion and malaria persists there ; in India , and possibly in Pakistan too , the same species shows ‘ pockets ’ of resistance to malathion and even to fenitrothion but extensive areas still exist where there is no evidence of organophosphate resistance .
2 But some things never change and the appalling weather might just have been one of the reasons why the Romans abandoned the village and Britain , 1,500 years ago .
3 But some things never change and the appalling weather might just have been one of the reasons why the Romans abandoned the village and Britain , 1,500 years ago .
4 But some people still thought that actors were dangerous , wicked people .
5 She was helped into the gardens of paradise by a number 33 bus , which had reversed over her while trying to execute a three-point turn outside the Polka Theatre , but some people still claimed that her death was , in part anyway , due to a broken heart .
6 The sulphasalazine dose was increased in some of these patients but this increase always occurred after the flare started when the colitis had already been classified as moderately active .
7 They are prompted to hibernate by a drop in temperature , but this cue only works if the days are also shortening .
8 This causes the reader to feel very sorry for him but this pity soon fades as Pip starts to blame Joe for his common ways and he slowly begins to turn into a snob .
9 But this enthusiasm swiftly evaporated and soon it became difficult to find anyone who was satisfied with it , let alone enthusiastic .
10 But this jealousy actually happened because it was a question of making a decision without actually thinking through the consequences of it .
11 But this account also indicates that an analysis of society in terms of practices might enable us to understand not only how states of affairs are maintained , but also how they change .
12 But these concerns perhaps reflect that the last two of the eight key tasks — on staff training and informing users — have been given a low priority in some areas .
13 It may perhaps have been valid in the past to dichotomize theoretical stances into endogenous ( formulated in terms of what is natural to humans ) and exogenous ( formulated in terms of sociocultural factors ) ( Heelas 1983 ) ; but many biologists today think that there is a built-in capacity for change through learning capable of giving directive impulses for change .
14 In many countries , regular servings of beer , wine and spirits contain roughly the same amount of alcohol — but many people still believe that a measure of spirits contains more alcohol than a glass of beer .
15 He postulates that IBM could create different classes of shares whose dividends would reflect performance of relatively healthy businesses such as the AS/400 and RS/6000 , and possibly AdStar storage products , but many observers now believe that nothing less than a full break-up of the company would enable the better bits to prosper and restore shareholder value .
16 Large fish can be expensive to buy , but small fish soon grow if fed and looked after .
17 Of course there were the usual fights , but one regiment soon found that its men were generally taking more punishment than they were giving out .
18 What I wanted ideally was a situation in which I had two groups of birds , each trained on and showing the disgust response to the bitter bead , but one group then remembering and the other forgetting the association .
19 But young people now realise that certain buildings , for instance , are theirs and they do n't want them ruined .
20 The precise stage reached by the Yakuts remains more controversial , but Soviet historians generally agree that their tribal society was already decaying , so that the Russians found a community with marked class differences .
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