Example sentences of "but [adj] [be] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Each district is different , but each is tended with a considerable degree of commitment , field staff speaking fondly and possessively of ‘ my patch ’ , ‘ my stream ’ , ‘ my trout ’ .
2 All of these were fine guitars , but each was met with a disappointing thumbs-down from the Les Paul-totin' guitar heroes of the day .
3 Such products , attractively boxed and delivered to the classrooms of the early 1970s , certainly offered multiple media — text , images and sound — but each was delivered as an independent element in the package .
4 In December 1942 an Inspectorate of Eastern Troops was set up to supervise the formation and training of the proliferating military units ; but each was subordinated to a German unit ; and although an officer 's academy was established at Mariumpol , Lithuania ( later Conflans , France ) , the units were never assembled into tactical formations , and were largely posted on occupation duties to Western and Southern Europe .
5 But Labour was shaken to the core by a passionate battle for the deputy leadership ( a post originally created to placate Herbert Morrison after 1951 ) between Denis Healey and Tony Benn .
6 You cover the parts listed on pages two and three , which is engine , gearbox , erm differential , prop shaft , brakes , electrical , etc. , but that 's qualified by the fact that you do n't cover any parts which were faulty at the time of purchase , or inherent faults at the time of purchase ,
7 Still the disappointment of ‘ my lord ’ , but that is balanced by a profound play on words .
8 By personal charisma and/or alliance with other fonctionnaires with a more direct professional stake in curriculum content and delivery ( especially , inspectors ) , he or she may also and exceptionally become a ‘ curriculum leader ’ in the British sense , but that is achieved at the cost of encroaching upon the formal responsibility of other professionals .
9 It could be argued , on a theoretical level , that that should have been a concern since the use of SSAPs by businesses means that the compilers of the national income accounts are presented with the same problem — but that is left to the statisticians to resolve .
10 It is at least arguable that this is not the case as the consideration for the allotment of the shares ( which are expressed to be credited as fully paid ) must be the transfer of the shares in the target , because that is the only consideration which the offeror receives under the arrangement ( apart from the merchant bank 's commitment to pay cash to accepting shareholders , but that is cancelled by the offeror 's commensurate obligation to procure accepting shareholders to authorise the offeror to allot the consideration shares to the merchant bank or as it directs , and so no net benefit flows to the offeror ) .
11 But that is measured by the number of workers — which has declined sharply .
12 We could not avoid , we felt , erm a small part of the fixed cost to the primary schools being cut , but that was offset by a provision for additional staffing in the primary sector , which we identify as an important item .
13 One similar order affected a shellfish farm in Loch Moidart a few miles further north , but that was granted to the Government 's Sea Fish Industry Authority for research .
14 The only other entrance was a small door to the left of the sanctuary but that was closed with a padlock , rusting with age , and obviously had not been opened for years .
15 I thought about the gin , but that was tarred with the same brush .
16 Tomorrow is his Feast Day , but little is known about the life of this fourth-century divine ; he was renowned as a preacher and energetic founder of nunneries , and raised the funds to build the basilica in Verona where a statue depicts him holding a fishing-rod .
17 Cognitive–Behavioural treatments have been the most extensively evaluated interventions of all the psychotherapeutic schools in relation to these disorders and they do indicate that clients benefit in the short term , but little is known about the maintenance of change in the long term .
18 But little is known about the chemical ‘ soup ’ of the oceans , and therefore the type of life that first became selected and concentrated there and which would have been different from that occurring , say , in rivers or stagnant pools .
19 This division between the life-styles of men and women is well documented , but little is known about the precise form or effect of housework attitudes .
20 He 's one of the most famous names in fashion but little is known of the man himself .
21 These molecules are involved in low-affinity homophilic and/or heterophilic recognition , but little is known of the physical basis for these interactions .
22 The date by which all supplies should have met the Directive 's standard was July 1985 , but little was done in the UK as the government hoped to negotiate a laxer standard .
23 But little was known of the nature and causation of mental disorder and so provision for treatment was minimal .
24 The majority of waste products are eliminated in urine and faeces but some are excreted via the skin in sweating and during respiration .
25 Most households left the cities through unplanned decentralization , but some were moved as a result of specific planning policies .
26 Many specimens are made from mammoth ivory , but some were made from a variety of stones or even from fired clay .
27 Most of the dressers were on a basic daily rate but some were paid on a measure of their work done .
28 Growth hormone is released into the blood during the first part of sleep , but this is affected by the 24-hour body clock to a small extent only , so that changes in the timing of sleep are followed almost immediately by changes in growth hormone release .
29 In the approach used in this text , the E-R model is used in conceptual modelling because it is much more semantically rich than the relational model , but this is mapped to a relational model because most commercial databases are relational and it is more convenient for logical mapping .
30 In the USA the average is lower at 7 per cent but this is offset by a much higher expenditure per head on R&D workers .
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