Example sentences of "but [verb] with [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The habit of using > as inverted commas is irritating , but goes with the general tone of the book .
2 For many years , tram and bus crews operated as separate entities , but to cope with the seasonal demand for drivers , bus crews worked overtime on trams .
3 But sticking with the Conservative establishment may mean that the CPS loses its claim to radicalism .
4 He deserves his reputation for radicalism — he has the softness of a cerebral bop guitarist like Jim Hall but coupled with the sudden fire of Jimmy Hendrix .
5 Add a word that begins with a different letter but rhymes with the first word .
6 Add a word that begins with a different letter but rhymes with the first word .
7 After this recommended detour to Ru Stoer , the road to Lochinver is resumed as it turns south and passes between the scattered buildings of the village of Stoer , occupying a bleak area of the coastal belt and itself having no features of special interest to warrant a halt , but blessed with a lovely bay and sandy beaches nearby .
8 For example , the defences were firmly dated to the reign of Hadrian , although Antonine pottery was found in the rampart , but dismissed with the remarkable statement ‘ the overwhelming pre-Antonine character of the mass of associated pottery suggests the earlier , rather than the later of Dr Oswald 's limiting date for the exceptional sherd ’ , i.e. AD 130 — 50 .
9 Through observation of his own case , he became convinced that chronic muscle tension — a result of life 's physical and emotional stresses — which overlays and destroys natural poise we have as tiny children , and manifests itself in hunched shoulders , clenched jaws , a slouched or twisted spine , with , as often as not , the head held to one side , could not but interfere with the efficient functioning of the body , restricting breathing , circulation and digestion .
10 The music is quite uncharacteristic of the mature Elgar , but written with the clear purpose that the group had something new to play regularly .
11 Governments were used to the fairly simple process of changing a syllabus , but confronted with a new orthodoxy that it was desirable to engage in curriculum development , they were usually happy initially to see this potentially time-consuming exercise take place outside the Ministry , at University Institutes of Education or specially constituted curriculum development centres .
12 Firms like ICI or Ford might , as in earlier years , have been able to build larger or more technically advanced sets for their own electricity supplies , but faced with the same shortages of steel and skilled men as the supply industry , they were now less inclined to branch out in this way , particularly as the BEA were selling electricity to them at prices based on historic costs , even though the new power stations were costing more .
13 Further economic adjustments were announced on Dec. 10 but faced with the continuing collapse of the austral Rapanelli resigned as Economy Minister on Dec. 15 and was replaced by González [ see p. 37118 ] .
14 He was not gone long but returned with a large piece of tree-bark on which was a writhing heap of fat white maggots .
15 Rave suffers from a slew of sub-standard rubbish , but compared with the general bollocks Hypno Genesis shine through with a tongue-in-cheek optimism reminiscent of early Altern 8 .
16 But compared with the European mink , it is more tolerant of human disturbance close by .
17 But compared with the potential sacrifice of victims ' rights , this duty is so undemanding that the arguments in its favour are powerful .
18 Instead Wolstenholme should have shot 70 or 71 but finished with a creditable par 72 , which included no fewer than five birdies .
19 They were soon denounced to the authorities but escaped with the printed sheets up the Rhine to Worms , where the New Testament was published in 1526 .
20 It seemed firm but covered with a thin layer of seawater .
21 They needed to stop arguing about the content of his complaints but deal with the underlying feelings behind them .
22 It is remarkable that these books are so contrasting , but seal with the same problems of the individual .
23 so you 're talking about , the , the little note at the bottom of nine , of page one , three , four is not dealing with accounts er that relate to nineteen ninety two , which the rest of the three pages are , but dealing with the previous year , is that right ?
24 No you did n't have you did n't have a finishing hand , you did n't really have a brilliant first two hands and then the pick of the one , two , three bouncer I might I might have been persuaded to play the one , two , three bouncer and hope that that got through but to finish with an ace flush but good .
25 All of them enthusiastic — questions are coming think and fast , not at the end of a lecture — I think we actually slightly dominate them because we 're not school teachers , but quote with a big U ‘ University lecturers ’ , but get them down in the laboratory and the questions come thick and fast from boys and girls — no difference whatsoever .
26 You should consult your health care practitioner if you suspect that mastitis is on the way but start with the following measures immediately .
27 The front of the stove was black but decorated with a great deal of brass .
28 The Government 's post-1987 initiatives have , to some extent , reflected a diagnosis based on the need for better management — though on the principle that central authorities can provide a firmer grip than local ones — but combined with an anti-collectivist belief in the restorative powers of capitalism .
29 This is an over-statement , but combined with an increasing preference by Government to curtail the content of structure plans , and recently by a Government less disposed to plan making by the public sector anyway , to withdraw structure plans all together , the heady days of 1960s optimism were lost .
30 But presented with the royal ultimatum to spend the festive season in the bosom of a family with which she is at war , Diana made her heartbreak decision .
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