Example sentences of "from [noun pl] [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When our case was originally rejected we got calls from authorities all over the country saying ‘ What 's going on ? ’ . ’
2 The relatively peaceful and well-governed " home counties " of the Duke of Aquitaine , from Poitiers westwards to the sea at Talmont , then down the coast to Bordeaux and up the valley of the Garonne as far as Agen , comprised an area as large as midland and southeastern England and included some of the most prosperous and commercially developed parts of the whole duchy .
3 Hundreds of do-it-yourself cement mixers have been removed from shops tonight after the discovery of electrical faults which could kill .
4 Hundreds of thousands of personal pledges received from countries all over the world will be attached to the Tree of Life as a powerful visual expression of the concern of individuals for the state of the Earth and their commitment to protect it .
5 Representatives from countries all over the world met in Nairobi at the end of June to discuss the greenhouse effect .
6 Offers of help for the Bosnian evacuees have been received from countries all over the world including Britain .
7 Over forty-five gigantic works of Social Realism have been dismantled from sites all over the city and hauled to a 1.5 hectare sculpture park on the southern outskirts of the Hungarian capital .
8 Wine is exported from areas all over the world .
9 The second comment is that loadings on the 17.18 ex Salop train have been so good that the caterers are experimenting with extending the buffet service from Saturdays only into the week .
10 The original was discovered as one of 115,000 samples taken from plants all over the world .
11 Not only is she busy sending out subscription forms to the existing 220 members , she is also coping with the dozens of enquiries from amateurs all over the world looking to turn professional .
12 Heads can create their own clarity if they organize their time in such a way as to digest and weigh reports , views and experiences from sources either outside the school or inside the staffroom .
13 The small tools have come from yards all over the country .
14 Bream from pegs upstream of the shipyard , including odd specimens to 7 lb 8 oz .
15 Gone was the flattened-out effect ; a more contoured look was possible with these sticks that could be bought from chemists all over the country .
16 It 's especially valuable to get comments on the modules which are in the Programme of Work for that year or the coming year because then we can feed comments from practitioners straight to the Module Development Group .
17 The Pope 's 450-page draft text has been drawn up with the help of 24,000 suggestions from bishops all over the world .
18 I said well I , I 'm a confident cook , I 've cooked from meals all round the world you know , and she s and erm , she said oh that 's worth knowing , now the
19 Erlich had seen nothing like it in CI-3 , in Washington Field Office , where each room had photos of wives stuck onto cork boards , of kids , postcards from vacations all over the world , cartoons , clippings of headlines and a huge blow-up of a quote from an English thriller writer : ‘ The most suspicious , unbelieving , unreasonable , petty , inhuman , sadistic , double-crossing set of bastards in any language [ are ] the people who run counter-espionage departments . ’
20 From burrows deep beneath the surface of the desert soil , small creatures start to appear .
21 However , within a few overs of the start , we were off to the newsroom , and cries of disbelief were audible from living-rooms all around the country .
22 Due to the obsession of most comparative sociologists with problems of measurement , all sight of a global system was lost in the mists of dubious generalization about a host of discrete variables from societies all over the world .
23 I 've always made a point of borrowing money from women early in the relationship so as to give them a hold over me .
24 The period from the building of the first cotton mills up to a restrictive parliamentary act of 1816 was the era of the factory apprentices — pauper children brought from workhouses all over the country to be indentured to misery .
25 These included everything from wind turbines to exploiting the heat from rocks deep under the earth 's surface , The phrase ‘ renewable ’ referred to the fact that instead of having constantly to supply new fuel from the earth , as with coal or nuclear materials , the energy source , such as wind or water , is constantly renewed .
26 The lichen is gathered from rocks late in the summer , dried in the sun , then it is placed with the wool in alternating layers in a large pot .
27 Maybe you have to throw a coat over your nightie and pick them up from miles away in the car .
28 These experiences do not , of course , wholly explain modern union behaviour or remove from unions much of the responsibility for changing matters .
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