Example sentences of "from [adj] [noun pl] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 they permit the collation and review of evidence of student attainment from different sources eg. from the student , the supervisor or the tutor , thus contributing to the validity and reliability of assessment ;
2 Demand is high and dealers in the United States regularly receive inquiries from interested buyers all over the world .
3 The coat to be trimmed with lustrous black mohair flat braid … all around the bottom , the front edges , the collar , and from six inches upward from the bottom along both side openings to the skirt , with braid 1¼ inches wide …
4 Comparison of this figure with the Crown 's revenue from these sources earlier in the reign shows that Henry had achieved a powerful grip upon the nation .
5 There was a lot of helpful feedback from these pieces so over the next few months I will try to provide a few more examples to expand this work .
6 Last year Mr Bush came from 17 points behind at the polls when a skilful advertising campaign persuaded voters that Michael Dukakis , the Liberal governor of Massachusetts , was soft on crime .
7 He made one of his expostulatory noises , seldom employed but powerful , and looked at her carefully from ten feet away in the water , lifting his spectacles to the bridge of his nose and then having to peer under them because they were crusted with salt , raising his head rather merrily , like a sea lion balancing a ball on its snout .
8 Its flies , the spent fuel , arrive regularly inside special containers on goods trains from nuclear reactors all over the country .
9 ‘ Members of the team were drawn from nuclear organisations all over the world , with the remit to review the safety of the RMBK design and modification programme to bring the RMBKs up to Western safety standards .
10 It demonstrates only the Labour party 's vindictive desire to extract the maximum revenue from high-value properties regardless of the circumstances of their occupants , or any relationship between the tax burden and the services that are provided .
11 Well , well they did try to get a song going once sponsored by the club , it was sung by St Matthews ' choir would you believe , but it , it did n't seem to take off , the football supporters seemed to take very much to their own sort of songs , and they , they 'd pick up songs and chants from other grounds now like the Liverpool song You 'll Never Walk Alone , and they used to sing Away the Lads they used to pick that up from the Newcastle supporters and and
12 Starting from two feet away from the hole , position five balls at intervals of two feet in a straight line to the hole .
13 Apart from two periods apart from the beginning of the fifteenth century , and I think in certain respects in our own day , and for the rest of the time we were dass land ohne muziek the land without music , I fear .
14 The school took its pupils from local authorities all over the country .
15 For the next half-hour I rattled the results as they came in from local stations all over the country .
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