Example sentences of "from [noun] who [verb] [been] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Mostly , we find that Packman is being bought by larger , more safety-conscious farmers , especially where there is pressure from operators who have been on COSHH and FEPA courses . ’
2 Pray for the young people from QP who have been on mission or camp this summer .
3 Though of course Müller-Claudius 's ‘ sample ’ was hardly a representative one , the responses have more than a ring of plausibility about them , and , coming from Nazis who had been in the Party since before Hitler 's ‘ seizure of power ’ , can be extended a fortiori to ‘ non-organized ’ Germans .
4 That this was significantly new is demonstrated by the bitter resistance to it from people who had been near the heart of the Church , yet it was finally approved overwhelmingly and constitutes the most precise dogmatic statement within this ‘ dogmatic constitution ’ .
5 I receive letters throughout the year from people who have been to the Summer Exhibition wanting to know more about my work .
6 Having just returned from Scotland 's weekend squad sessions at St. Andrews , two tough dollops of over three hours each , he was feeling the effects , but clearly revels in his involvement : ‘ National sessions are at a higher intensity than those at club and district level in that you are working with very good and experienced players but it is just so enjoyable setting hard challenges whilst you are learning so much from players who have been through it all so often before ’ .
7 I suggested that help might come from friends who 'd been through the same scenario , or from genuinely sympathetic relatives ( but not critical ones ! ) .
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