Example sentences of "from [noun] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When our case was originally rejected we got calls from authorities all over the country saying ‘ What 's going on ? ’ . ’
2 Using the cable link , you can transfer ( download ) any stitch pattern from DesignaKnit directly to the knitting machine .
3 They had all come from Bangor together for the game .
4 Owner Gordon King acquired the aircraft from Aces High in an exchange arrangement for an original B–25 nose section , to replace the panoramic camera nose fitted to N1042B ( see July 's FlyPast , p58 ) .
5 The relatively peaceful and well-governed " home counties " of the Duke of Aquitaine , from Poitiers westwards to the sea at Talmont , then down the coast to Bordeaux and up the valley of the Garonne as far as Agen , comprised an area as large as midland and southeastern England and included some of the most prosperous and commercially developed parts of the whole duchy .
6 Acting on this belief , he has : taken one of the most outspoken current-affairs programmes , ‘ Vzglyad ’ ( Outlook ) , off the air ; confiscated the property of the independent news agency Interfax , which was saved from closure only by the intervention of Boris Yeltsin and the Moscow city council ; suspended a free-thinking television news show called ‘ TSN ’ ; and consigned Radio Russia , Mr Yeltsin 's mouthpiece , to a frequency where most of the population can not hear it begin its broadcasts with phrases like ‘ In another move reminiscent of Stalinism , President Gorbachev today … ’
7 can be obtained from thebaine only by a series of elaborate and inefficient chemical processes .
8 Altogether there were forty of us , all from Fontanellato apart from a shipowner from Genoa who had been spending a holiday in his house in the country .
9 Hundreds of do-it-yourself cement mixers have been removed from shops tonight after the discovery of electrical faults which could kill .
10 The Isla , which has drawn power from tributaries high in the Grampian mountains , then adds further strength from the likes of the Ardle and the Ericht before linking up with the Tay .
11 b ] Road The improvement of the A71 from Coxydene eastwards to the Edinburgh City Bypass .
12 Road The improvement of the A71 from Coxydene eastwards to the Edinburgh City Bypass .
13 Backbench MPs , and even out-of-favour shadow cabinet members have been sidelined and excluded from decision-making along with the trade unions and constituency parties .
14 Hundreds of thousands of personal pledges received from countries all over the world will be attached to the Tree of Life as a powerful visual expression of the concern of individuals for the state of the Earth and their commitment to protect it .
15 Representatives from countries all over the world met in Nairobi at the end of June to discuss the greenhouse effect .
16 Offers of help for the Bosnian evacuees have been received from countries all over the world including Britain .
17 By a lucky accident we had already trekked ( with Mohammed ) from Imlil westwards to the Nfis , discovering superb trails through a bold landscape .
18 On joining the nearest Brownie Guide Pack , she was delighted to find two other girls from Scotland already in the Pack .
19 Philosophy always has begun from Athens on from a recognition of the extraordinary facts of the diversity of human belief and attitude , on moral questions , on questions of social organization , on questions as to the ultimate nature of the universe , the destiny of man , and all such things , the most astonishing diversity of belief and attitude has prevailed and still does prevail amongst people .
20 Over forty-five gigantic works of Social Realism have been dismantled from sites all over the city and hauled to a 1.5 hectare sculpture park on the southern outskirts of the Hungarian capital .
21 Although she was absent from England late in the reign , Cnut was before that in the position of having two consorts .
22 Wine is exported from areas all over the world .
23 There is only one generation a year , flying from July through to the autumn .
24 It struck him that it seemed weird that Leeds rejected continuous bids from Blackburn all through the season and then suddenly , out of the blue , accepted one .
25 Each winter , from December through to the beginning of March , cruises are organised on the Exe for close views of waders and wildfowl .
26 O'Hagan suggested it was important to try to prevent the client seeing the social worker as just one more person determined to take him/her away from home regardless of the feelings .
27 Henry 's brother George suffered from croup later in the year .
28 The inhabitants were culturally indistinguishable from Serbs elsewhere in the Balkans .
29 On a recent visit we learned of a ‘ rat run ’ from nests down to the stream — through hedges , across the road , all well established .
30 It is the same all down the Welsh border , from Cheshire down to the Severn , and thence across the Severn to the three south-western counties of Somerset , Devon and Cornwall .
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