Example sentences of "but she [verb] [pers pn] would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She was too old for a doll 's house now so it did n't matter , but she hoped he would finish what he was doing for Oliver .
2 It would be good to clear the air , but she hoped it would hold off until after the party .
3 But she said she would deal with that problem when it arose .
4 ‘ I tried to provoke her into doing so , but she said she 'd put you out of her mind completely — she 'd forgotten you , she said — which is nonsense of course — ‘
5 Of course , I knew it might be ages before we could actually marry , but she said she 'd wait .
6 ‘ Well , she did n't like the idea much but she said she 'd try . ’
7 But she said he would explain
8 Some part of her tried to convince her to make for the door , but she knew they would expect that .
9 Hari felt the impulse to ruffle William 's hair but she knew he would resent being treated like the child he was , boys grew up quickly in the harsh realities of World 's End .
10 She would have told Jacob about her new purpose , but she knew he would see it as another sign of her raving , a sign of some new imbalance , and would try to search for causes , try to talk her out of it .
11 It was boring , and sad , but she knew it would end
12 But she knew it would take a while before the immeasurable hunger receded within her .
13 ‘ I suspect , ’ he said , ‘ you 've missed your usual evening nosh-up and so have I. ’ Liza had , indeed , missed the evening meal at the FANY headquarters , but she knew she would have foregone almost anything for the pleasure of simply sitting opposite this thin charming young man who seemed to have about him that same lighthearted loving insouciance possessed by the late Tom Tremayne .
14 But she knew she would have to be a great deal more in need of male company to tolerate anyone like Corporal Billings .
15 It was a trip she would rather have forgotten — the cold was biting and the whispering patter of rodent feet made her heart jump every few minutes — but she knew she would have to face it again when she and Guy escaped from the keep .
16 Rose was unable to do much when she was discharged from hospital after four months , but she assumed she would recover all of a sudden , because her illness had come on so suddenly .
17 She knew she would probably have to say something sooner or later , but she decided she would put it off as long as she possibly could .
18 But she doubted he would offer either .
19 But she doubted it would go any further — well , could n't go any further as she was only staying the one night .
20 Rain wanted to say she would phone in the morning , or later that evening perhaps , to check that he was all right , but she guessed he would reject her concern .
21 It would also be better from the point of view of traffic — she had n't yet looked up Hallborough on a map , but she guessed she would need her car to get to it .
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