Example sentences of "but this [modal v] [vb infin] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A contractual licence may also be revoked at any time , but this may involve the grantor in an action for breach of contract .
2 I did not learn much about remedial therapists but this may reflect the state of knowledge rather than any criticism of the author .
3 In theory the program will run with 512k but this may leave the planner with inadequate memory for data associated with the plan .
4 Where space beside the house or access past it do not exist , your last resort is to site a garage in your front garden , but this may spoil the appearance of the front of your house ( and may also be unacceptable to the local planning authorities — see RULES AND REGULATIONS ) .
5 There could be an Asquith Government with Conservative support and possibly participation ; but this would make a charade of the issue on which the election had been fought .
6 Even if the tests begin immediately , the earliest possible time for an abortion would be 19–20 weeks , but this would leave no time for the tests and termination to be organised , or for the parents to discuss the matter at any length .
7 An alternative view might posit some quality peculiar to literature which would justify the independent existence of literary studies , but this would reduce the scope of the object of study to a considerable degree , and result in the repetitive sifting of works in search of the one magic ingredient .
8 In the sense that it is an enquiry method , this is considered sufficient ; extending the analysis to produce a comprehensive information model of an organisation is possible , but this would require the use of additional software and then becomes a more specialised operation .
9 But this must raise the question of the effect of the researcher on the researched .
10 The regular adherents of the congregation are about 100 ; the average attendance from 150 to 200 , and the number of members as far as can be ascertained about 25 , but this can form no criterion of what the congregation may become under a regular and thorough ministry .
11 Historians use ordinary everyday language to communicate their thoughts but this can obstruct the historian 's attempt to reveal the truth about the past :
12 There is a temptation to put in questions which will check against each other but this can irritate the responder who will easily detect redundancy .
13 It is possible to switch out of the loan if interest rates fall , but this will cost a penalty equivalent to one month 's interest payments .
14 If the firm does badly they can leave , but this will necessitate a loss of human capital assuming they have accumulated some firm-specific skills .
15 But this will involve an examination of the whole question of walking for pleasure , which is what we most usually do on these occasions .
16 But this will mean a decline in capital projects such as roads , housing , schools and sewers , with the net result that there is a decline in the country 's infrastructure and long-term damage to the economy .
17 Incorrect storage directory names can be corrected by SST Technical Support , but this will require a site visit .
18 Packing can usually be replaced without the need to turn the water off , but this will require the removal of the tap head and the ‘ easyclean ’ cover .
19 Records can be added of course , but this will increase the packing density .
20 It was generally agreed that there was nothing wrong with the proportions , but this could indicate the work of a skilful forger .
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