Example sentences of "but they [vb mod] be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Not a piece would be saved , but they would be lost to the French as well .
2 Er you er you 'd have two outside independents and you could n't say how they would be , but they would be elected by the whole te whole er Board of Trustees .
3 There were changes to be made , a BMA spokesman said , but they would be made within the existing system .
4 But Coun Bob Pendlebury , deputy leader of the county council 's ruling Labour group , said it was recognised that there might be problems , but they would be dealt with as they arose .
5 We could equip them with two-way radios , but they would be confiscated at road checks .
6 I must announce to the House that I have not selected either of the amendments on the Order Paper , but they may be referred to during the debate .
7 It is initially intended to launch these schemes in Germany and Switzerland but they may be extended to other countries later .
8 A description of personality traits is beyond the scope of this book , but they may be categorised in a simple manner under three headings , thus : * role traits : which are those parts of the personality which determine how an individual will react or behave in particular situations , and will react to the expectations of others in that situation .
9 They adamantly believed that ‘ at that time it was not done to ‘ ’ poach' ’ settled executives in any direct or overt way' ; but they may be seen as the precursors of headhunting in Britain , in so far as they acted as consultants in executive selection and advertising , within a general management consultancy practice .
10 ( No names are mentioned , but they may be gathered from the black spots on the map . )
11 Often the distinction between the two will be blurred , but they may be tested by the following criteria : Do not assume , however , that all judgements are automatically good and opinions bad .
12 Plant pieces are not actively used in the construction of the nest , but they may be employed as an anchor , or in the case of broad leaf plants that reach the surface , as a site for the whole nest .
13 Some of the sites under consideration may be of the same date and status , but they may be occupied for part of the year , or for a few years only .
14 But they may be used in reconstructing the former profile of the river and therefore in deriving the sea level to which the river was graded .
15 The majority of smokers who give up do so by simply deciding to stop but they may be helped by the informal support of the family , friends or colleagues .
16 But they might be drawn to the sound of a group of females socialising — think that this is something worth investigating — and help us to lure them out again . ’
17 But they 'll be elected by the cast .
18 But they 'll be suited to somewhere an awful lot different from Richmond .
19 The voices of the old guard will be raised against this striking new departure , but they will be raised in vain .
20 Some of the present generation 's problems with information will therefore recede , but they will be replaced by others : and chief amongst these are selection , interpretation and evaluation of information .
21 Delays may be inevitable but they will be kept to a minimum .
22 These accusations may be wholly untrue but they will be made to an extent not paralleled by criticism of any judgment he may make from the bench of the regular courts .
23 But they will but they will be appraised by , who will appraise them then ?
24 But they will be remembered for their profound creative insight and as the people who restored the mill as a vibrant life-force .
25 Unfortunately , the posters they sent to us arrived too late for the exhibition but they will be used at future venues .
26 There will be sweet moments for all of us , but they will be swamped by the sour … and we 'll all be happy , in our own peculiar way , saving up for a sunny day two or three years off in the future .
27 REACTIVE chlorine compounds are known to cause ozone depletion in the Antarctic stratosphere , but they can be bound into an inactive form through reactions with nitrogen dioxide .
28 Plasmids that do not carry fertility genes are unable to move from one bacterium to another , but they can be mobilised by plasmids which do have them .
29 Below , tag lines to the standard Harken genoa cars are normally handled on a cockpit winch , but they can be replaced by tackles if desired .
30 If you are over-weight , and must cut down the amount you eat , you will repeatedly lapse , to satisfy your cravings. persistent minor symptoms , such as headaches , aching limbs or a lack of energy are often put down to nerves or stress but they can be caused by a reaction to food .
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