Example sentences of "but he [vb mod] not [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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31 It is important , you remember , for a bird to pull off his own ticks , but he can not reach the top of his own head and needs a companion to do that for him .
32 Manager Lennie Lawrence has delayed a final decision but he can not take a risk for a game that could clinch Boro automatic promotion .
33 but he can not sue the third party if ownership has passed to such third person by reason of exceptions to the rule nemo dat quod non habet , e.g .
34 The engine started first time and the car shot away down the dirt road , but he could not prevent the leading coolie from leaping onto the running board beside the driver 's door .
35 At first her father had tried persuasion , but she was intransigent : brute force , but she ran back to the woods the moment she could : custodial restraint , but he could not bear the sight and sound of her pining .
36 Rose fussed discreetly around him but he could not remain the centre of attention for long .
37 Hunt reported on 14th December , 1858 that he had found that the site was just adequate , but he could not make a precise calculation until the accommodation requirements had been considered further by the India Office and the space required by the Foreign Office had been settled .
38 But he could not refuse the boy 's father .
39 He was a Marxist and might be called a ‘ Christian Communist ’ , but he could not answer the question ‘ was he a communist ? ’ directly , he could only state his beliefs .
40 He had no doubt that his own recognition of Urban II was irreversible ; but he could not commit the kingdom of England to the choice which he had made in common with the rest of Normandy .
41 Throughout his chaotic years in Paris he continued to go to life classes , but he could not afford the five francs an hour for a model and so rarely had a chance to paint the nude , except for his girl-friends , and that , as he was beginning to realize , was expensive too .
42 But he could not forestall a major parliamentary outcry on the news of McGregor 's appointment .
43 After his ordination in 1740 he served as curate at Llandeilo Abercywyn , but he could not resist the urge to preach in the Methodist way far outside his curacy , a practice Jones severely criticized : ‘ it is the cry of the crowd that he will be governed by . ’
44 It was not his way to speak sharply — that was his wife 's department — but he could not conceal the fact that he thought Anna was both wrong and behaving badly .
45 Alan quickly suppressed the glimmer of excitement in his eye , but he could not conceal the quickening of his step as he walked back to his end of the village .
46 While reading the anonymous notes the glimmering of an idea had come to him but he could not sharpen the focus .
47 There was something in his attitude which worried Wycliffe but he could not put a finger on it .
48 But he could not dismiss the thought of Jenny Connon so easily .
49 Jim Clark , the greatest driver produced by Britain , had survived many high speed crashes in the past — at Aintree , Brands Hatch and Monaco , but he could not survive the 275-kph ( 170-mph ) crash on that sad day at Hockenheim in 1968 .
50 The stranger peered between and beyond the silent , uneasy company , but he could not glimpse the boy .
51 But he could n't invent a love that had never been there and he felt that Lou would be better off without him .
52 Boy looked at the pictures of the moustached and uniformed characters with some relish ; but he could n't finish the text , and so missed the single paragraph that Mother had circled in black ink .
53 Laidlaw had tacked his brains over and over but he could n't place the name .
54 He wanted so badly to ask Swan this question , but he could n't speak a word of bird-language .
55 He needed more canvas , but he could n't leave the helm .
56 The prison officer felt he was probably young , but he could n't detect an accent .
57 Other carers are deterred by the Down 's syndrome person 's physical inability to make the mark , rather than by the lack of understanding : ‘ He knows what he likes but he could n't do the cross .
58 I reckon he could easily have shot 64 again in the last round , but he could n't hole a putt .
59 It sounded such a stilted way to put it , but he could n't find a different approach at the moment .
60 Halfway through dressing , wearing his shirt and underpants , he looked for Moda in the workroom , where he assumed she would have thrown it on their pile of magazines ; he wanted to gaze at Bella Kropotkin again , but he could n't find the magazine .
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