Example sentences of "but it is [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There might appear to be an argument in favour of consistency here , but it is surely eclipsed by the need to recognize that many children remain dependent on their parents until they are at least 18 .
2 The first rule governs some processes that might not involve an overall change of spin , but it is conveniently considered with the spin rule .
3 This boiling down of groups into their respective ethnic essences is clearly congruent with the nationalist concerns of the right , but it is also sanctioned by the antiracist orthodoxy of the left and by many voices from within the black communities themselves which have needed no prompting to develop their own fascination with ethnic differences and thus reduce political definitions of ‘ race ’ to a narcissistic celebration of culture and Identity .
4 Poverty not only exists as a consumption experience but it is also related to labour market experience .
5 The path of green consumerism is paved with good intentions — but it is also littered with pitfalls .
6 The term ‘ plough-witches ’ is local to this area but it is also recorded in Huntingdonshire .
7 Edmund Becke 's 1549 revision of the so-called ‘ Matthew ’ version ( Thomas Matthew being a fictitious name adopted to cover the true identity of the translator ) was also a Bug Bible ; but it is also known as the ‘ Wife-beater Bible ’ because of Becke 's annotation at I St. Peter iii.7 .
8 This gives what Lord Wright calls the " datum figure " , but it is also known as the annual dependency or the multiplicand .
9 Not only does spinal stabilisation for early scoliosis in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy maintain sitting balance but it is also associated with a slower deterioration in lung function .
10 As the sobriquet implies , this is principally used by booksellers for acquisition and as a finding list , but it is also used by some librarians for selection purposes .
11 But it is also used in some cases for rather trivial offences .
12 The value of T g depends on the way in which it is measured but it is also found to be a function of the polymer chain length .
13 When we turn to the uterus , not only is it situated in the abdomen , but it is also confined to women ; and even in our enlightened days , it is hedged around with taboos .
14 It is a versatile resort offering everything needed for a relaxing sun and sea holiday , but it is also surrounded by much waiting to be explored .
15 It is the kind of system with which experts can quickly get to grips but it is also targeted at non-technical authors , enabling them to quickly edit text , sound and images either to create multimedia presentations or to produce interactive multimedia applications .
16 It is an industry which boasts many famous companies — but it is also driven by the dynamism of many small firms .
17 Essentially it is a sexually-transmitted disease but it is also carried in infected blood and blood products so ‘ at risk ’ are intravenous drug users ; recipients of blood transfusions , for example haemophiliacs ; and anyone who is in contact with the blood of infected individuals .
18 Group 2 argued , for instance , that this configuration is not only cohesively linked by a broad lexical set including the items " rained " , " water " and " wet " , but it is also linked in terms of an implicit cause-and-effect relationship between the propositions expressed by each sentence .
19 But it is here presented to the teacher as the basic condition of the child , offering a challenge that the potentially handicapping effect of lack of vision or defective vision can be overcome or minimised through appropriate education , social opportunities and the provision of well-chosen aids and equipment .
20 ENGLAND tomorrow unveil a lavish £4.5 million plan to stage cricket 's sixth World Cup — but it is already doomed to failure .
21 There are different opinions about the exact risk involved in oral sex , but it is generally understood to be much less risky than penetrative sex .
22 But it is generally thought in the trade that the agreement has been abrogated by the Ivory Coast .
23 Whether or not the testing of nuclear weapons in the early 1960s caused a significant decrease in stratospheric ozone may remain controversial , but it is generally agreed by researchers that a future large-scale nuclear exchange with detonations totalling 5000–10,000 million tonnes would lead to substantial depletion of stratospheric ozone .
24 It can be mixed with basmati rice to give an attractive appearance , but it is generally used for stuffings for game .
25 Quite often a stray species arrives with the Redline Rasbora , but it is rarely shipped in quantities .
26 Birch is a sustainable and fast-growing timber from northern Europe , but it is rarely used for fine furniture because of the skill required to convert the logs .
27 It is not a strategy that is organisationally entrenched with British political experience , but it is intellectually entrenched as a challenge to the viability of the parliamentary road to socialism .
28 This is likely to be approximately 36–40 h post-hCG but it is best determined by experiment on the particular strain of mouse available .
29 Its hillside position is exceptional and its views of the surrounding countryside entrancing , but it is best known among Italians as the place gentle Saint Francis is said to have tamed a mean , ferocious wolf which had been terrorising locals .
30 But it is depressingly abandoned in its ability to increase , and difficult to uproot , so finds no favour with gardeners .
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