Example sentences of "but it be in [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Detroit 's electronic foragers have had pitifully few outlets in Britain — but it is in countries like Belgium , Germany and Holland that Detroit 's sonic architects are honoured and near-deified ( obviously they 're too deep for new jack wank-happy US ) .
2 But it is in sight of that abbey , ‘ the calm light and shadow , the ancient steadfast forms ’ , that Gwendolen makes her confession to Deronda .
3 India knows its quest for peace talks through the Non-Aligned Movement will bear no fruit , but it is in keeping with the popular mood .
4 Non-cooperation , as Gandhi understands it , does not always have to be an act of love in the same way as satyāgraha has to be , but it is in act of love and consequently a branch of satyāgraha when it seeks to promote the good of a wrongdoer .
5 With things like art nouveau and Edwardian furniture , when David started buying them , I went and got books to get my act together in order that I knew what he was into , but with drugs , I did n't know , added to which David was very secretive and for a long time I was n't aware that he was having a problem , not necessarily from cocaine addiction , which everybody loves to tell you is not addictive , but it is in terms of the fact that you rely on feeling up to cope — you just become more and more paranoid .
6 This could be because of the small number of patients studied , but it is in agreement with the results of Hopman et al , who measured postprandial gall bladder contraction in patients on long term ( six months ) intermittent injection treatment .
7 Because Bal 31 can remove telomeric repeats very quickly , this value may be largely underestimated , but it is in agreement with the small size observed above for some of the telomeric fragments .
8 Britain is probably unique among democracies in retaining so many pre-democratic principles and institutions in a professedly democratic context , but it is in fact worth recalling .
9 He was not prepared to reveal the price paid by DEC , but it was in line with the formula agreed in 1992 .
10 His insistence on arbitration rather than on judgment may be argued to have prolonged the contest but it was in line with past experience .
11 The Wall Street Journal once reported a mainframe customer 's remark that the Amdahl coffee cup on his desk might look ordinary but it was in fact worth a million dollars , the size of IBM 's concession on a hotly contested deal .
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