Example sentences of "but it [was/were] only [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But it was only for a moment .
2 For a moment I wondered if I would be able to catch him , but it was only for a moment .
3 The first practical measures of educational extension were instituted during the 1850s and 1860s when London degrees were opened to all who could pass an " external " examination , but it was only towards the end of the 1860s that an emphasis on English language , literature , and history became an important feature of the process of extension .
4 In West Glamorgan , a juvenile male was found guilty between the ages of 13 and 15 of offences involving 45 takings of cars , but it was only towards the end that he received a custodial sentence .
5 But it was only as a last resort in 1120 that the community committed itself to , and based its case upon , the expedient of introducing into existing documents the necessary phrases , which — if they had been there in the days of Lanfranc or Anselm — would have given their case a firm basis in papal documents .
6 Prior to their purchase of the building , the owner of the adjoining mill house had made two attempts to obtain permission from the local authority to change the use of the mill from industrial premises into a dwelling , but it was only with the current owners ' application of 1977 that planning permission for this change was granted .
7 Places dedicated to film presentation , the penny gaffes , did start to spring up at the beginning of the new century , but it was only with the emergence of long films around 1910 that cinema acquired any sort of institutional presence in British towns .
8 Circumcision as a rite had been performed in Israel for many centuries , but it was only with the exile that it assumed the character of a covenantal sign between God and his chosen people .
9 But it was only with the election of the PSOE in 1982 that a programme for braking the rise in RENFE 's deficits was seriously implemented .
10 Until then I had succeeded in holding the impinging world at bay as well as in the desperate attempt to establish my own identity , but it was only at a bitter cost to myself .
11 But it was only during the past year that she had realized that they were — in the eyes of people like Felicity , at any rate — very badly off .
12 But it was only after the accession of the Habsburgs to the throne of Bohemia in 1526 , that the trickle became a flood of immigration .
13 The PSD 's post-1987 free market policies encouraged private-sector growth but it was only after the 1989 constitutional changes [ see p. 36857 ] that a more radical privatization programme designed to break up public monopolies could go ahead .
14 They might agree in principle , but it was only after the invasion of South Korea by the communist regime in the North in June 1950 that some arms increases were approved .
15 But it was only after the persistent refusal of the Labour Party to concede complete autonomy to the ILP that the majority of members were forced to accept disaffiliation .
16 Nicky Henderson 's Mr Gossip justified favouritism and made a winning debut over fences in the second division of the Misletoe Novice Chase but it was only by a head that he got home from Bit Of A Clown , with Bronze Final a head away third .
17 Successive government reports since the late 1930s had recommended setting up a national film bank , but it was only in the wake of the 1948 production crisis that the government seriously contemplated making funds available to the industry .
18 But it was only in the 1950s that Greece set out to build a serious manufacturing sector — and immediately , unlike the Koreas and Spains of the world , found it was not capable of it .
19 The Edinburgh men had dominated the opening 40 minutes , but it was only in the 39th minute that No8 Dave McIvor popped over the Jed line for his side 's only try .
20 He prided himself , with high justification , on being a great House of Commons man , but it was only from the Treasury bench that he could lead with ease and pleasure .
21 But it was only near the end — and especially in the last fortissimo outburst at about 6'09 ’ in track 6 — that I missed sheer volume .
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