Example sentences of "but it [be] [adj] that the " in BNC.

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1 Quite the contrary , degrees of review may have differed over time but it is indisputable that the judiciary accepted that non-jurisdictional errors of law could exist .
2 It is not clear to what extent the Securitate is now a ‘ state within the state ’ and to what extent it is directly answerable to President Ceausescu , but it is odd that the service 's worst excesses have occurred when the head of state is on an official trip abroad , in this case to Iran .
3 But it is possible that the Dostoevsky scholar whose book prompted Bayley 's comment might not have understood it — how could an acknowledged great novel , worth writing about at length , be said not to ‘ come off ’ ?
4 But it is possible that the details took time to be formulated .
5 But it is possible that the poor reputation of Mary 's Council is based on too credulous a reading of the reports of Imperial envoys .
6 The only part comparable to the united cardines is the postmentum , but it is possible that the median part of the sternum of the labial segment is incorporated in this sclerite .
7 But it is possible that the APU 's teacher training and dissemination efforts may have some effect .
8 But it is possible that the length of the delay in service of the order , coupled with the other circumstances of a particular case , might justify the conclusion that it would be an injustice to the contemnor to continue his incarceration .
9 Adams ( 1971 ) found no significant asymmetry in a dot enumeration task but it is possible that the relatively long exposure duration he employed was sufficient to eliminate any potential difference between the visual fields .
10 This is already the case , but it is possible that the variety of future experiences in old age will be greater still .
11 There is no certainty that it will happen but it is possible that the deaf people of this country and of other EC countries stand on the threshold of a breakthrough in their fortunes .
12 This generally has something to do with the actual failure , but it is possible that the fault is not accurately reflected in this message , so do n't assume that the problem is pin-pointed precisely every time by these messages .
13 But it is possible that the details took time to be formulated .
14 A huge curved gold-plated shield helps shade the telescope from the Sun 's infrared radiation , but it is crucial that the satellite always avoids looking within 60o of the sun .
15 It is all very simple to do but it is crucial that the ferret should not become frightened .
16 No auditor can conduct an audit which is both effective and efficient unless he/she has a good working relationship with the client company 's directors , but it is crucial that the auditor remembers that it is not the directors who are the client , but the company itself .
17 But it is crucial that the student is not , as a result , paralysed into inaction .
18 But it is paramount that the soloist be so directly acquainted with the score that he or she is able to offer us a personal interpretation of it ; in a sense , a critical commentary on it .
19 There is no certainty that the House will hear them but it is certain that the Court of Appeal will not .
20 But it is essential that the originators receive due recognition .
21 This is normally placed between the ceiling joists , but it is essential that the space under the water tank(s) is left uninsulated to allow heat to permeate through the ceiling , and that any water pipes and tanks in the roof space are themselves well insulated .
22 Naturally , it is unfair that developing countries should have to forgo the luxuries that make life more comfortable such as fridges and air conditioning , but it is essential that the West makes available the best technology so that they can produce ozone friendly equipment .
23 But it is disquieting that the date of the start of the English county championship is still in dispute ; some say the 1860s , some the 1890s .
24 The Employment Research Centre has no view of its own on the root causes of unemployment but it is convinced that the problem of unemployment can be solved .
25 But it is incontestable that the painting marks a turning point in the career of Picasso and , moreover , the beginning of a new phase in the history of art .
26 Polls in medium or small communities were not often violent ; but it is probable that the same tensions were present as in Ajdabiya , and that they were exacerbated by the absence of campaign , by the necessity of choosing among ideologically undifferentiated candidates , and by the prolonged confrontation of voters in a confined space .
27 But it is arguable that the fishing licence money should be treated as a one-off bonanza , since there is no guarantee that it will continue .
28 But it is arguable that the soundness of statements about wider matters such as authorial style relies ultimately on the statements we can make about particular texts .
29 ‘ I do n't know the size of the decline , but it is incontrovertible that the market and ICI Fertilizers will be smaller than it is today .
30 But it is obvious that the reparative principle can not begin to justify the penal system that we have , since most punishments ( and most notably imprisonment ) contain little or no reparative element , and may even make it difficult or impossible for the offender to make amends .
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