Example sentences of "but she be [adv] [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 Tilly Mulliver had been shocked by the revelations , but she was also delighted that Richard was incensed enough to raise his voice in such anger .
2 But she was also aware that no matter how she felt , her family would never allow her to relegate them to second place .
3 Loretta 's occasional visits to the Cruise missile base had never involved her in getting arrested , but she was well aware that some police took a dim view of peace protesters .
4 Shelley smiled back , but she was well aware that he meant it , and that given half a chance he would stay the night .
5 Going back along the ditch and down beside the house , she tried to convince herself that no one would have heard her love-shriek , but she was already frightened that they had , and when she tiptoed into the scullery and crossed to her straw pallet in the corner , her fear increased tenfold , for she was immediately certain that the blanket had been moved and that someone had been there in the scullery only minutes before .
6 But she was guiltily aware that at least part of his reason for staying on the island so long and not returning to England was his hope of one day furthering their relationship .
7 Dot was n't allowed into Mrs Parvis 's kitchen except at the regulation meal-times and she was n't sure about how food was prepared , but she was pretty certain that when Mrs Parvis cooked what was called a nice egg-dish , it was made from an orange coloured powder spooned up from a deep cylindrical tin .
8 On Wednesday a spokeswoman for the Saatchi Collection told The Independent that ‘ approximately 40 to 50 works have been sold ’ , but she was equally insistent that the motive behind the sales was Saatchi 's desire to shift the emphasis of the collection more towards British art .
9 Breeze expected her to refuse , for she had always hated enforced idleness ; but she was so tired that she was glad to stay where she was , lying quite still and doing nothing .
10 She was smaller than Jenna with none of Jenna 's slender , willowy height , but she was so healthy-looking that the fact in itself gave her an added attraction .
11 She was compelled by an urge to attempt to hurt him , simply because she herself was hurting , but she was angrily aware that she probably could n't succeed , because without love , there could be no hurt .
12 She could n't look at him , but she was still aware that he was studying her .
13 But she was suddenly sure that she knew !
14 She spotted Nahum Morey in his rented pew , his legs outstretched and his head tipped back against the wood as if he were concentrating on the sermon 's message , but she was suddenly aware that their eyes were meeting .
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