Example sentences of "but he [verb] there [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 But he admitted there would be no swift return to the Exchange Rate Mechanism which Britain had to quit on Black Wednesday .
2 ‘ My son-in-law was offered the living of St Ermin 's when it fell vacant recently , ’ she said , ‘ but he felt there would be more scope here . ’
3 He shook his head in a little motion of disbelief but he knew there could be no turning back .
4 But he insisted there would be ‘ considerable ’ monitoring of other aspects of community care including assessments , where the DoH will be keeping watch on eligibility criteria for services .
5 The Direct Tableware Company sales director Roger Young agrees that it will be next spring before any real growth in catering occurs , but he thinks there might be a slight upturn next month in the top-up business : ‘ It 's heading for the busy time and you ca n't serve customers without knives and forks . ’
6 I suggested that it might be a good idea to get it in midsummer so that I could get plenty of practice in before the skiddy weather set in , but he thought there might be too much tourist traffic going through the town and on the roads around it in the middle of the summer .
7 But he believes there could be benefits for other DTI units in adopting OSO 's integrated approach to industry support .
8 The artillery officer wondered why no one had thought to blow up the bridge which crossed the River Sambre in the centre of the town , but he supposed there must be fords close to Charleroi which would have made the destruction of the fine stone bridge into a futile and even petulant gesture .
9 He said that the Government had already made ‘ quite a number of changes ’ to meet the concerns , but he hinted there could be more to come .
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