Example sentences of "but it can [adv] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But it can not be accepted that every time there is a tragedy in the Health Service , where there has been no professional neglect , that instantly there should be compensation .
2 ‘ This is n't as lot of work if many people are involved , but it can not be done by just a handful . ’
3 Ireland may one day be a united nation , but it can not be done and should not be done from London .
4 Capetian claims to jurisdiction were therefore certainly experienced in Béarn and Bigorre after 1285 , but it can not be argued that either Gaston VII or Roger-Bernard III were willing instruments of French royal sovereignty .
5 But it can not be stated too emphatically that the principles by reference to which decisions are made are not within the unique prerogative of doctors to lay down .
6 It may , of course , be reintroduced into the House of Lord ; and passed again in a later session , but it can not be enacted until the House of Commons passes it .
7 Sexuality may be a component in stratification by gender but it can not be assumed a priori by a process of projection in which the male sociologist , himself accustomed to thinking of women in these terms , imposes his own proclivities and preoccupations on the data he is analysing .
8 But it can not be assumed that these developments have in fact led to equality within the sexual sphere of marriage .
9 Papers subsequently published by such researchers may show no obvious Scottish connection in their titles , but it can not be assumed that the work is unrelated to their thesis topic .
10 Papers subsequently published by such researchers may show no obvious Scottish connection in their titles , but it can not be assumed that the work is unrelated to their thesis topic .
11 Many of the shortcomings of the eastern type are similar to those of the western , but it can not be denied that it is the immensely complicated nature alone of the eastern Buddhism , Hinduism and their derivatives that is sufficient to make them equally useless as a basis of a religion of the character that mankind needs .
12 Tradition maintains that many of the Campbells warned Macdonalds in time for them to escape but it can not be denied that on that winter morning in Glencoe many of the Clan Campbell plumbed the depths of treachery and horror .
13 But it can not be denied that they had neglected their fixed charities .
14 This is a crude form of distraction display , but it can not be developed much further because of the context in which it occurs .
15 There was no evidence for sparking , says Pilling , but it can not be ruled out .
16 On the question of Poland , Lenin accepted much of Rosa Luxemburg 's case that circumstances had qualitatively changed since the time of Marx — ‘ the restoration of Poland , prior to the fall of capitalism , is highly improbable , but it can not be asserted that it is absolutely impossible ’ .
17 This energy ( which comes from my dinner which comes ultimately from the sun and so on ) can be transformed into any of the many alternative forms of energy but it can not be destroyed .
18 This reserve may be replaced annually , keeping the stock régulateur as fresh as possible , but it can not be increased unless and until the INAO grant another blocage of excess production .
19 There is still some water in storage but it can not be pumped out without this effect on the environment .
20 It therefore seems better to make use of the experience of the data-base community in building large hyper-bases but it can not be pretended that the benefits of one technology to the other are all in one direction .
21 Clearly the Order was prepared in some haste , but it can not be brushed aside as having been made out of an excess of caution .
22 Gamma is an orange star of type K ; telescopically it is a fine binary , but it can not be split with binoculars .
23 There is hope for a safer environment , but it can not be achieved easily or soon .
24 It may be rejected or abused but it can not be devalued , and if she can bring herself to look ahead without bitterness it can still bear fruit in her own life .
25 GROUNDWATER is a massive resource but it can not be found everywhere , and sometimes lies too deep to exploit economically .
26 It can be made , he wrote , but it can not be thought .
27 But it can not be stressed too strongly that there are places of great strength and potential for growth : they should not be squashed , marginalised and ignored .
28 To a mind delighting in tactics and devices , grief is not a familiar factor , but it can not be excluded from any man 's calculations .
29 But it can not be claimed that the unity implied in the term ‘ Final Peace ’ was achieved , either then or later .
30 But it can not be used as a way of endowing anyone with authority where that person had none .
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