Example sentences of "but it was [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That was certainly the view of the right hon. Gentleman in the debate last week , but it was flatly contradicted by his right hon. and learned Friend the shadow Chancellor on television at the weekend .
2 Bishop Ralph de Luffa began a complete rebuilding in 1091 , but it was badly damaged by fire in 1114 .
3 The Great Casterton villa excavation produced a good example ( Corder 1951 , 24 — 40 ) , but it was carefully noted at the time that this destruction by fire involved only one building and was , therefore , an accident and had no relevance to any historical event .
4 The negotiated settlement was hailed as a historic breakthrough which would protect the ecology of the rainforest , but it was bitterly opposed by non-Indian landowners who feared that they would be driven off and their properties confiscated .
5 Alone among Gloucester 's holdings this represented a coherent entity , but it was again burdened with dower rights and other charges .
6 Alone among Gloucester 's holdings this represented a coherent entity , but it was again burdened with dower rights and other charges .
7 It was far too big for one , but it was regularly cleaned by the leaseholders of the building , who maintained all services and looked out for security .
8 I rattled the plastic cover over the Amstrad but it was firmly locked in place .
9 Of course quality of care has always been of professional concern in the NHS , but it was firmly placed on managerial agendas by the Griffiths management reforms in 1983 and given a substantial boost by WFP .
10 There were a few clubs at the lower end of the street , but it was mostly owned by monolithic movie companies .
11 The world reputation of the Prime Minister provided grist for the mill of the Conservative Party managers by 1987 , but it was invariably presented in terms of the traditional imagery that Thatcherism meant strength , secure defence , and freedom from the defeatism of socialism and the unilateralists .
12 The request by the National History Museum for the loan of the skeleton in 1902 was turned down , but it was eventually presented to that museum when the heavily criticised RCVS museum was closed in 1921 .
13 Alexander III 's approach reflected his own predilections , but it was also based on a sound sense of the options open to him .
14 This criticism was expressed most often by physical science students , but it was also made by physics students ; for example
15 It was different from the one where she had bought her extra , but it was also manned by Mickey Rooney .
16 Not only was ‘ Dositejism ’ denounced by Metropolitan Stratimirović because of its anticlericalism , its suspected ‘ Protestantism ’ and its attachment to an alien western culture , but it was also seen as a threat to the language .
17 It was functional — but it was also enjoyed by the child .
18 Harrison v Hill [ 1932 ] SC ( J ) 13 where a road maintained by a farmer , leading from the public road to his farmhouse , was held to be a road , the farmer turned away people who were using it from time to time but it was also used by people having no business at the farm ;
19 Well , now , I was n't , cos I was on holiday at the last meeting , so I could n't check , I have down Grace , but it was also queried at the time .
20 It was made , but it was also found to be known already and to have been patented in the USA , along with Sontochin , by Winthrop .
21 It has old roots and is about a supra-rational world ; but it was also sung for immediate pleasure without claims to any specially transmitted truth .
22 As part of the public sector it was subject to the usual Treasury controls on investment and borrowing , but it was also restricted in another way .
23 The CPNI was not instrumental in creating NICRA but it was well represented on its first executive committee : Noel Harris of AUEW TASS , a CPNI member , was the first chairman ; Derek Peters of the CPNI was secretary ; and Betty Sinclair of the Belfast trades council was elected to the committee .
24 Lewis er Jochim rather Laws wins it back now Webb Crosby making a good run and he releases it but it was well read by Greyson .
25 The 48-year-old New Zealander did not apply for the job in so many words , but it was well known in the British territory 's rugby circles that he was available , if asked .
26 The actual founding of the town is obscure , but it was well established as part of the Royal hunting lodge before 1066 and so has no separate entry in the Domesday Book , since Snaith was a royal manor held by the King ‘ for the support of his table ’ , and therefore already documented .
27 But I had a very strict Mormon church upbringing and it was not exactly a taboo subject , but it was just taken for granted that you did n't do that until you got married .
28 But it was strongly felt by many in the court , and indeed by the Shah himself .
29 The amount of RNA synthesized was unrelated to motor activity or any measure of stress that we could identify ( for instance how much the birds peeped or twittered ) , but it was strongly correlated with their preference score ; that is , the more the chicks had learned about the flashing light and preferred it to any alternative , the more RNA was synthesized in their forebrain roof .
30 It was shown in the fourteenth-century Queen Mary Psalter and many times in the centuries that followed , but it was later rejected as an imaginative fiction .
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