Example sentences of "but it do [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This does not disqualify the character from honourable knightly status — think of Tristram and Yseult , or Lancelot and Guinevere — but it does create a degree of tension : the service of a knight to another man 's lady wife is , as the Lancelot–Guinevere tale shows , the classically subversive element within the knightly ethos .
2 Tolerance does not blind a man to the imperfections or faults of a religion , nor does it blur the distinction between religion and irreligion , but it does deliver a man from fanaticism with regard to his own faith .
3 but it does contain a theory of history , change and power which other social science approaches often lack .
4 It may well be that such an approach is incommensurate with the difficulties presented by international disagreements and internal conflicts but it does suggest a way of looking at law which enhances its potential as an instrument for peace .
5 ‘ I would n't mind , ’ said Malcolm Harris , ‘ but it does cost a lot , all this toing and froing up to London . ’
6 But it does carry a corollary which is fundamental : namely , that for democracy to give in to terrorism is to undermine its own deepest foundation .
7 but it does matter a bit though does n't it ?
8 I know it 's a standing joke with Leeds fans about Batty 's getting the ball and running around 8 players before he passes the thing ( or gets the team into total schtuck by giving it away ) but it does get a bit tiresome .
9 But it does lack a bit of erm quality .
10 but it does highlight a need and I 'm not going to tread on the Treasurer 's toes in this instant but certainly that will add to the financial burden of running the Association but if its to increasing its lobbying power and authority over those in positions of influence , then above all we do need a very large membership .
11 But it does have a word for ‘ beech tree ’ .
12 But it does have a dome which holds a bubble of air giving a safe haven if needed .
13 Such action does not determine what economic activities should be undertaken , but it does provide a framework for discovering and solving problems common to the community as a whole .
14 Such a plan will inevitably be modified , but it does provide a framework on which to build .
15 The international community is not per se owed a duty of obedience to the claims of some of its members , but it does provide a framework for the articulation of claims and for cohesion in response .
16 But it does provide a framework to which we are all working , spreads out the major publications and pieces of campaigning work , and allows all those in the organisation to know the overall timetable being pursued .
17 This development has its opponents , but it does provide a way in which mathematics can become more meaningful to some of the children studying it .
18 Of course , this does not resolve the issue of inequality , but it does provide a mechanism through which individuals can focus their view of an acceptable ‘ trade-off ’ between redistribution ( equity ) and efficiency .
19 It does not require a great deal of imagination to accept that the unit of physical matter could be the product of a ‘ good ’ event if it contributed towards the desired end of a happy human race , but it does require a measure of mental effort to accept that each unit of ‘ good ’ produced a corresponding unit contributing towards God , that is , a unit of Godliness .
20 A spokesman for estate agents Buckell and Ballard whgo found the intruders during a routine security check said it was a very isolated incident and very unfortunate , but it does illustrate a need for a change in the law .
21 The sharpened exhibitionism of Stavrogin 's wanting everybody to look at him will not have helped Dostoevsky with Katkov , but it does mark a step away from Crime and Punishment and closer to Notes from Underground .
22 But it did make a difference — she realized that in the long hours she lay awake thinking about it .
23 But it did explain a lot , especially how Stubbly had managed to keep the Mimosa trouble-free over the years .
24 This enthusiasm , inspired by Scottish sections , was short lived , and nothing came of the move , but it did signal a phase of agitation over representation that was to culminate in formal acceptance of the principle at the 1917 Congress .
25 Late in 1988 I purchased a second-hand Toyota KS901 ( we are now the best of friends but it did take a while ) .
26 But it did have a garage and it did have a telephone box .
27 Unfortunately a concrete path , provided by the builders , had to be broken up ; but it did provide a hardcore base for the paving .
28 I 'm not saying I 'd have been good for him or him for me , but it did provide a link in a chain that was to tie me to glory in the Open .
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