Example sentences of "but it be the [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Gironella is of course also interested in the formal qualities of these works , but it is the subject matter , the content , which really holds his imagination .
2 But it is The Country Heart that best represents an aspect of Minton which his increasingly frenetic metropolitan life was gradually to erode .
3 But it is the map sense that is the real puzzle .
4 But it is the United States , as a potential source of peacekeepers , that is the most interesting .
5 Nevertheless , it is an approach employed by many countries : it was first used by the Soviet Union in 1951 , but it is the United States with which this strategy is most associated and which has made known its advantages and disadvantages .
6 But it is the Liber Censuum , compiled in the last quarter of the twelfth century and incorporating many of these earlier texts , by the papal chamberlain , Cencio Savelli — later to follow Innocent III as pope — that provides us with most of what we know about papal finance .
7 But it is the Jumblatt family which is the focus of Druze loyalty .
8 But it is the glider pilot who literally has the life of the tow pilot in his hands .
9 But it is the staging post for the final leg which takes the long distance route to Fort William — and it 's the beginning of another fine walk which , like the Way , skirts the heights of the Mamore range to reach scenic Glen Nevis .
10 ‘ The councils and other bodies already know their responsibility to keep our transport system clean , but it is the travelling members of the public who drop litter we want to reach , ’ said Tidy Northern Ireland director Peter McGaffin .
11 The brewery in Bad Köstritz in the Thüringen region brews two Pils-type beers but it is the speciality Schwarzbier — Black Beer — that caught Bitburger 's attention .
12 Workers ' preferences or attitudes are also unchanged , but it is the wage net of tax that workers compare with the marginal value of their leisure in deciding how much labour to supply .
13 But it is the police crackdown which has been the crucial factor .
14 The services themselves may be provided by a number of different agencies , for example , a voluntary respite ‘ sitting in ’ service , a local authority day centre , a privately employed cleaner , meals on wheels , a community nurse , and so forth , but it is the care manager 's task to pull all these together into a scheme which best suits the individual , his family and other close supporters .
15 But it is the starting point of this doctrine , and only if we are prepared , to start where the Bible starts are we likely to know in experience anything of the higher reaches of the Spirit 's work .
16 But it is the R N L I it 's something like a huge club because er go where you like , you 're always received well among the fishermen and the shipping people .
17 I think that 's where they meet , I mean they may come from all the place but it 's the Judges Guild and I 'm due to speak to them tomorrow night .
18 That 's sad , but it 's the way society has raised them .
19 That 's sad , but it 's the way society has raised them .
20 But it 's the way Dad and Charles just … just humour me .
21 Morning winds are light , and fine for novices , but it 's the afternoon winds which make the bay famous .
22 But it 's the service provider who actually bills them . ’
23 But it 's the holiday time .
24 I know , but it 's the Poole West Revision .
25 But it 's the night times , sitting here when Lucy s in bed .
26 But it 's the riot squads that follow up to make the arrests and today , on the fields of battle around Orgreave , the police were involved in some of the most vicious hand-to-hand fighting of the entire miners ' dispute .
27 But it 's the sorta thing I 'd expect to hear from older people who 've been fighting a fight and are n't interested in anything I 'm doing .
28 But it 's the flashback stories where Popperphoto comes into its own .
29 When Mark reminded them that the plant was relatively new and that with the exception of the American Managing Director and Treasurer , was manned throughout by Irish men and women , they countered with , ‘ Ah yes , but it 's the Trade unions , you see . ’
30 District Councils also look after things like environmental health , car parks and most planning applications , but it 's the county councils who are responsible for things like education , major roads and social services .
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