Example sentences of "but it [adv] [vb past] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The human and material world needed to be cleansed from within , but it also needed to be liberated from the powers without .
2 But it just happened to be her best friend 's birthday and she was invited to a special birthday tea and to stay overnight . ’
3 But it soon came to be realized that any breakaway plasma would disperse into the void rather than condense into solid bodies .
4 Er ploughmen and horsemen were the elite of farm workers and the sons would could only aspire to do what they did and And er eventually I suspect it got to be a little more organized and er they had these little games of of ploughing matches , maybe in a rudimentary farm to begin with , but it eventually came to be as we see it today , over a long period of time .
5 It might be contemptible , but it still had to be worth conquering ; and the fifteenth-century verse chronicle by John Hardyng , which demonstrated that Scotland , with its three fair university cities and fruitful countryside , could easily victual incoming English armies , makes the point very well .
6 But it still remained to be determined what , if anything , it meant .
7 An appalling clearance by Knight presented Thomas with the chance , but it still needed to be capitalised on and he launched a tremendous , looping shot which the Rovers ' supporters behind the goal knew was on target from the moment he hit it .
8 One member of each pair was asked to describe a drawing for their partner to draw — the casters ' may not have been the most successful — but it certainly proved to be the funniest !
9 I am aware that there was a steady decrease in the casualty figures and this was welcome to the Harris Offensive and also to the Mighty Eighth , but it always appeared to be that the Luftwaffe were just that one step ahead until , of course , the advent of D-Day and the advance of the Allies on the Continent .
10 ‘ They all knew I was pregnant , but it never seemed to be something they took into consideration , ’ Lynda Coral recalls .
11 This was very disturbing emotionally for George , but it really had to be done .
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