Example sentences of "not be [adj] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It could be improved by including all the results of excavations since 1961 , but this has not been possible for various reasons , the most important of which is that it is no longer the intention to study the results of 367 , but to turn to another event recorded by Ammianus which can be illuminated by this old study and by more recent work .
2 As we have seen , repeal feminists had not been opposed to moral disciplining but they had promoted it through the more ‘ feminine ’ domain of voluntary agencies , attacking the statist solutions of male professionals .
3 Suzi 's answer had not been one of unalloyed enthusiasm .
4 The contract included limits for external financing which had not been subject to overall control previously , and set RENFE a variety of financial objectives including a reduction in its call on state funds .
5 These three fungicides are already on a UK Ministry of Agriculture ( MAFF ) list of 100 pesticides up for review , that have not been subject to modern tests .
6 He described it as " regrettable " that positions taken in the UN Security Council by the EC 's two permanent Security Council members — the UK and France — had not been subject to prior agreement among the 12 EC members .
7 The domestic banking system has ( since the early 1980s ) been completely free of formal restrictions on the supply of credit and has not been subject to reserve requirements .
8 The market for top quality works by Matisse has not been subject to speculative buying , according to David Nash , head of Sotheby 's New York Impressionist Department .
9 Despite the blaze of publicity which accompanied the launch of the White Paper , the Government has not been successful in generating support for its proposals .
10 Although plastic pipe has been widely used for wastes and drains , until recently it has not been suitable for hot water .
11 The government however continued with just one vice-president and within a few months this post was held by Daniel Arap Moi , a non-Kikuyu who , despite being a member of the Legislative Council , had not been prominent in nationalist politics .
12 Additionally the political atmosphere has not been conducive to encouraging oil companies to engage in active exploration and development though this still continues despite the pull-out of Exxon and Mobil .
13 It had not been easy without existing contacts in the region , and their reports would have to be treated with caution for a while , but on the whole he felt he had achieved as much as could have been expected .
14 Such oblations to the darkness of the early evenings had not been necessary in previous years when , whatever the season , bright hour and night hour had been dedicated to the service of his flock there were Masses to be said , sick to be visited , meetings to be chaired , burial services to be conducted , bereaved to be comforted .
15 The effect of vitamin A supplementation on such deaths has not been consistent in previous trials , though none has found a significant change .
16 Sheila lives in a council maisonette and has not been involved with social services recently , although she was in care for two years from the age of 14 .
17 Murray Lawrence & Partners , which stressed that Mr Lawrence had not been involved in recent negotiations , said it would receive $20 million next January , another $20.8million in July and $22 million in January 1996 .
18 Preserving a balance throughout that had not been conspicuous in other media surveys of the Lockerbie investigation , Barron 's concluded its article with a statement from Paul Hudson , a lawyer from Albany , New York , whose sixteen-year-old daughter had died in the crash .
19 Since Schoenberg 's day , modernism has has not been averse to self-serving diatribes .
20 It should be mentioned that the specific item search in Okapi '87 was knocked up rather hastily for this experiment ; the Okapi projects have not been concerned with specific item searching since 1985 .
21 Consequently , early systems were unsuccessful , and the realisation that effective MT would not be possible without fundamental work on text understanding led to a cutback in funding .
22 Passenger boarding and alighting will not be possible at Far Stanley as is the case currently at Gretton .
23 In professional practice it is the duty of the advocate to call the attention of the court to all decisions that are in any way against the submissions he makes ; but this may not be possible in moot conditions .
24 But if one rids oneself of the idea that there need be any thing in common to good things , other than that they are good , one will be ready to recognize that there may be other good things which do not involve pleasure , that some things which involve pleasure may be good rather than bad , and that relative goodness need not be proportional to relative pleasurableness .
25 If a minister lacks ability , experience , knowledge or , perhaps , the time to become confident of his own judgement , then the departmental view tends to prevail , and this may be desirable , for a country can not be policyless on major issues .
26 Thus , although the monies received are capital in nature they are deemed to be income for the purposes of giving the taxpayer deductions and reliefs and they are charged under Case VI of Schedule D. Thus , for instance , the remittance basis would not be applicable although there is no reason why general principles should not be applicable so that income arising overseas and received by a non-resident would not be chargeable under general principles whilst income arising in the United Kingdom could be chargeable under general principles regardless of who it is paid to .
27 It was found that the decision of the GMC to prevent advertising in the press was a lawful exercise of the statutory powers conferred on it by s35 of The Medical Act 1983 , and that if a statutory power was exercised intra vires , reasonably and in accordance with the purpose of the Act conferring the power , ( even though it restricted the plaintiff 's freedom to trade or practice his profession ) the court could not review the exercise of the power on the basis that it caused a restraint of trade , since the exercise of the power in accordance with the policy and the purpose of the Act could not be contrary to public policy and any review by the court would be unconstitutional .
28 Noting that the EC central bank proposed by Delors would not be accountable to elected governments , Major proposed instead to build on to Stage 1 further steps to promote convergence of economic performance , low inflation and stable exchange rates by building up the existing EC currency , the ECU .
29 Since it can not be accountable to national Parliaments , it ought to be accountable to the European Parliament .
30 On the facts of Lamb [ 1967 ] 2 QB 981 the accused could not be guilty of reckless manslaughter when he shot his best friend not realising how the chamber of a gun revolved on pressing the trigger .
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