Example sentences of "not [adv] [verb] as a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( This is no doubt in some way concerned with the employee 's honesty. ) 2 The nature of the information itself Information will only be protected if it can properly be classed as a business secret or as material which , while not properly described as a business secret is , in all the circumstances , of such a highly confidential nature as to require the same protection as a business secret eo nomine .
2 It was not effectively designed as a movement to abolish , still less to limit , mass alcoholism , but to define and set apart the class of those individuals who had demonstrated by their personal force of character that they were distinct from the unrespectable poor .
3 Finding a sufficient number of tokens of a variable for each speaker did not apparently emerge as a problem in the early urban surveys which followed Labov 's 1966 model .
4 They are not necessarily regarded as a nuisance at law however and may not be actionable under that branch of the common law known as the tort of nuisance .
5 Shares were often bought and sold , but the cultivators were not necessarily displaced as a result .
6 Lord Richard , meanwhile , has heavyweight credentials ( former Ambassador to the UN ) but is not highly rated as a barrister .
7 In the same field lies 1 Geminorum , not much use as a comparison for Eta because it is too faint ( 4.1 ) .
8 If he 's a skilled boardroom apparatchik , they say he 's not much cop as a coach .
9 The colonial state was not only overdeveloped as a whole .
10 Moreover , the higher taxes that are an inevitable counterpart of more government services not only act as a disincentive to saving and investment , but also " overload " the economy and crowd out opportunities for economic growth at the same time as the opening up of export markets and the defence of the home market is made ever more difficult by the inevitable inflation .
11 A dog — or better still — a gaggle of geese not only act as a deterrent to a prowler , but also provide an excellent ‘ alarm ’ .
12 He is not as forceful a character as Mike Lester , with less in the way of business acumen or entrepreneurial flair , but he is technically competent , and is not only respected as a manager but liked for his loyalty towards his subordinates .
13 It was not only used as a condiment , but was also the chief preservative of a large range of foodstuffs such as meat and fish , and in the preparation of skins and leather .
14 Poverty not only exists as a consumption experience but it is also related to labour market experience .
15 Consequently , a sea waybill that meets the requirements of a straight bill of lading under United States law not only acts as a receipt of goods but also as a transferable document of title .
16 Did he ever come not merely to see as a possibility but actually to possess a conviction of what can be called the benign indifference of the universe ?
17 The use of gadgets such as Chambons or side-reins while lungeing , can undoubtedly be of great assistance in retraining a horse , provided that they are not merely used as a short-cut .
18 Whilst I was not physically built as an athlete , I found by hard training I could make the track and cross-country teams .
19 Questions should be formulated with a definite purpose and not just asked as a matter of course .
20 Now , the economic costs attributable to the adversary system are not just seen as a function of the frequent reversals of ideologically motivated policies .
21 However , it should not just act as a check-list but should relate facts about a country to the expatriate 's new life style .
22 That the semi-official history of the party should have eschewed discussion of Conservatism as an ideology is not surprising , but a prominent British Marxist scholar has conceded that ‘ the Tory tradition is not best understood as a tradition of ideas ’ and the introduction to a recent collection of essays on Edwardian Conservatism also accepts that ‘ Conservatism is not an ideology , but a frame of mind , an outlook , a general approach ’ .
23 Since this is so , this case is not best interpreted as a liberality dependent on keen scrutiny of the testator 's intention .
24 Since water does not normally exist as a liquid below its freezing point , any point on this curve represents water in a metastable condition .
25 Incentives are considered artificial if the rewarding events would not normally occur as a consequence of the behaviour outside the training situation ( e.g. being given stars or happy faces for getting dressed ) .
26 Prostitution also is not without danger , but this is not usually cited as an argument for making it illegal .
27 Although not formally trained as a historian of ancient art , Ortiz 's scholarship is widely respected .
28 An initial set of six acute sites were identified as pilots for RMI beginning in 1987 , although one was not formally adopted as a pilot site until 1988 .
29 Blake hoped that his companion was not still wanted as a suspect .
30 Advertising is a key element in the finance and contents of most media but is not always regarded as a medium in itself .
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